Referral portal University Hospital Basel

We are pleased to introduce you to our new referral portal, which will replace our previous e-portal as of 15.01.2025. The referral portal offers you a simple and clear way to view current patient reports and download them in pdf format for practice documentation.

In addition, appointments from the past two weeks and planned appointments are displayed. The referring physician portal is characterized by its ease of use and clear design.

The most important advantages at a glance

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Sicherheit der Zuweisungsinformationen

Das neue Zuweiserportal bietet Ihnen sicheren Zugang zu Patienteninformationen.

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Alle Dokumente in der Übersicht

Aktuelle Patientenberichte können eingesehen und für die Praxisdokumentation im pdf-Format heruntergeladen werden.

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Alle Termine in der Übersicht

Vergangene (letzte 14 Tage) und anstehende Behandlungstermine Ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten können im Zuweiserportal eingesehen werden.

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Migration Ihrer Daten

Das neue Zuweiserportal löst das e-Portal als zentrale Plattform ab. Ihre Daten wurden automatisch in das neue System übertragen und stehen Ihnen nach dem Erst-Login zur Verfügung.

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Einfache Bedienbarkeit

Die neue Bedienoberfläche ermöglicht Ihnen eine einfache Navigation. Zudem können Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten jederzeit editieren.

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Weiterentwicklung des Portals

Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich an der Weiterentwicklung des Zuweiserportals, um den Service und die Zusammenarbeit in der Zukunft zu verbessern.

Instructions for registration, login and use

Your personal data and a copy of your professional license, practice permit or ID card are required to create an account. You will also need to enter your cell phone number for the initial login or password reset.

You can register now for the other services (entry and exit information and report dispatch via HIN-secured e-mail address) or manage these later in your account yourself.

You will receive confirmation of your registration at the e-mail address you have provided. This contains your user name and a link to set a password. As soon as you have set a password, you can access the referrer portal.

Click here to go directly to registration.

For security reasons, registration is a two-stage process.

  • Login: After successful registration, log in to the referring physician portal with your user name and password.
  • 2nd factor: You will then receive an mTan code valid for the current session by SMS or e-mail to the mobile number or e-mail address provided. Once you have entered this code in the screen displayed, you will be taken to your account.

You can log out at any time under "Log out".

Screenshot of two-factor authentication referring physician portal

On the homepage you will find an overview of your patients who are and have been treated at the University Hospital Basel. You can search for them by name or date of birth. You can open the detailed view of a patient by clicking on the corresponding entry in the list.

  • Appointments: View the past (last 14 days) and future appointments for the relevant specialist discipline.


  • Treatments: Take a look at the overview of cases. After selecting a case, you will be shown general information about the case and the associated documents.


  • Documents: View the overview of all documents for the selected patient. The documents can be sorted by name or date. All documents can be selected and also downloaded.


You can return to the previous view at any time.

You can view and manage your personal data under the "Profile" tab.

  • Data changes: You can request changes to your profile and address data. Once you have entered and selected the "Request change" function, an e-mail will be sent to the Referral Services team. To change your e-mail address or cell phone number, please contact us directly by e-mail at

  • Notifications: You can manage your notifications and services (entry and exit information and report dispatch) yourself. Please note that notifications about entries and exits are only available if a HIN-secured e-mail address is stored.

  • Password and login: To change your password or the second factor for login, use the "Password/2-factor login" function.

Referrer portal_Manage profile

Contact and support

Your needs, concerns, opinions and experiences as a referring doctor are important to us. Your feedback helps us to optimize our processes and maintain our high quality standards.

Would you like to give us your feedback in person? Then we are here for you.
Tel.+41 61 265 91 73

Thank you for your interest in the new referral portal University Hospital Basel and look forward to working with you.