Our classes
At the University Hospital Basel we offer various courses on the subject of pregnancy and birth. The courses are held in German and English. In the Mamamundo classes, we also offer a range of courses for pregnant women with a migration background. After the birth, a postnatal course is recommended for all women.
Prenatal classes
In our birth preparation classes, specially trained midwives will provide you with comprehensive information about pregnancy, birth and the time after birth. The classes are taught in a small, intimate group setting in English.
We recommend you to take a course from the 28th week of pregnancy and no later than five weeks before the expected date of delivery.
Weekend courses for couples in English
Saturday and Sunday, 9.30 am – 5.00 pm. One and a half hour lunch break to be agreed with the course leader.
- Information and discussion about pregnancy and childbirth
- Promote body awareness and learn practical exercises to assist during childbirth (relaxation, breathing and massage techniques) together with your partner
- Learn how to cope with labour pains
- Prepare for the time following birth: postpartum, breastfeeding and parenting
Course size: 7 couples
Costs: CHF 480 (Please check with your insurance company what proportion of course fees will be refunded. CHF 150 will be covered by statutory health insurance.)
Location: Klingelbergstrasse 23, 4056 Basel, Room "Bellavista", 5th Floor (lift)
Dates & Registration
Weekend Prenatal Class 2b/2025 in English
February 22th and 23th, 2025
(with expected due date after April 1st, 2025)
Register (Fully booked, waiting list)
Weekend Prenatal Class 3a/2025 in English
March 8th and 9th, 2025
(with expected due date after April 13th, 2025)
Register (Fully booked, waiting list)
Weekend Prenatal Class 3b/2025 in English
March 29th and 30th, 2025
(with expected due date after May 1st, 2025)
Register (Fully booked, waiting list)
Weekend Prenatal Class 4a/2025 in English
April 12th and 13th, 2025
(with expected due date after May 15st, 2025)
Daniela Vitelli
Midwife, Prenatal Classes
Tel. +41 61 328 79 93
Wednesday and Fridays
Postnatal classes
Postnatal regression classes are recommended for all new mothers no matter the kind of birth they had.
Pregnancy and birth are challenging for a woman‘s body and the changes they cause won‘t go unnoticed once the baby is born. In the time after birth it is important to once again start paying attention to your own body and the general wellbeing as a new mother. Our classes are for women who want to strengthen and relax their pelvic floor and core muscles after birth. The newly gained strength and stability will provide you with a new body awareness and prevents permanent pelvic floor weakness.
The course is held without babies present.
Course information
Our courses are based on the BeBo®-Concept, which is based on the following principles:
- activation and strengthening exercises for the pelvic floor and the core muscles
- body awareness and relaxation- training of behaviour and postures to protect the pelvic floor during everyday life with a baby
- information about the restart of sports after pregnancy and birth
- new knowledge about the pelvic floor and the prevention of both incontinence and prolapse of the uterus
- time for yourself and the exchange with other mothers
When to start: 6 to 8 weeks after a vaginal birth and 8 to 10 weeks after a c-section are the earliest starting time. If you have any questions regarding the ideal time to start, please contact us.
Lenght of the course: 8 weekly evening classes of 75 minutes each
Where: Klingelbergstrasse 23, 4056 Basel, Room "Weitblick", 5th Floor (Elevator)
Costs: 320 CHF (please contact your insurance for a partial refund)
Instructors: The postnatal classes are held by specially trained midwives. They are either certified pelvic floor instructors or certified experts for the pelvic floor in pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Daniela Vitelli
Midwife, Postnatal Classes
Tel. +41 61 328 79 93
Wednesday and Fridays
Information evenings about pregnancy, birth and care of the mother and newborn after delivery
The obstetrical department of the University Hospital of Basel offers regular information evenings in English about pregnancy, birth, and care of the mother and newborn after delivery. During our presentation, which is conducted by members of our team including doctors and midwives, you will be introduced to what we do and the different interdisciplinary teams that work closely with the obstetrical department.
You will have plenty of time to ask questions and to get an impression of the atmosphere in our hospital from a slide presentation.
- 18. February 2025
- 08. April 2025
- 10. June 2025
- 12. August 2025
- 14. October 2025
- 09. December 2025
Registration is not required. If you have any questions, please write to us at geburt@usb.ch
The sessions last from 7 p.m. until approximately 8.30 p.m. and take place at the Large Lecture Hall, Center for Teaching and Research, University Hospital Basel. The Center for Teaching and Research is centrally located in the hospital garden and easily accessible via Spitalstrasse 21.