Epigenetic Priming in Chronic Liver Disease Impacts the Transcriptional and Genetic Landscapes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) usually arise from chronic liver disease (CLD). Pre-cancerous cells in chronically inflamed environments may be 'epigenetically primed', sensitizing them to oncogenic transformation.
2023-11-29, 13:03 Uhr
The research group of Dr. Salvatore Piscuoglio investigated whether epigenetic priming in CLD may affect HCC outcomes by influencing the genomic and transcriptomic landscapes of HCC. In this study, Gallon and colleagues show that CLD and HCC samples from the same patient share broad transcriptional and epigenetic alterations which are compounded in HCC, highlighting how methylation changes in CLD may help not only to create a transcriptional landscape favorable for HCC emergence but that the influence of these changes may extend to consequences for disease outcomes. The study has been published in Molecular Oncology. For further information, please contact Dr. Salvatore Piscuoglio.

Epigenetic priming could influence disease outcome.