Mitarbeitende der Psychosomatik im Gespräch


Horizon Europe Long Covid

Gefördert durch: EU Horizon Europe (101057553); Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 22.00094)

Drittmittelsumme: CHF 1'271’311.-

Verantwortlich: Gunther Meinlschmidt

Laufzeit: Anfang Juni 2022 – Ende Mai 2026

Laufende Studie: Mehr Informationen hier


Using Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Predict Online Therapy Outcome and Engagment

Gefördert durch: Hasler StiftungDrittmittelsumme: 49’507 CHF

Verantwortlich: Gunther Meinlschmidt

Laufzeit: Anfang Januar 2023 – Ende Dezember 2023


Prävention psychosozialer Belastungsfolgen in der Somatik: ein Modellprojekt zur kollaborativen Versorgung (SomPsyNet)
Gefördert durch/Träger: Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 2’000'000.-
Verantwortlich: Gunther Meinlschmidt, Alexander Frick, Seraina Caviezel, Rainer Schaefert, in kooperativer Hauptantragstellerschaft mit Gesundheitsdepartement Basel Stadt, Abteilung Prävention
Laufzeit: seit 2019

Efficacy of a Modular Intervention to promote Dignity and Mental Well-Being by a Palliative Consultation-Liaison Service in Swiss Acute Hospital Care: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Gefördert durch/Träger: Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung & Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 117'985.-
Verantwortlich: Sandra Eckstein, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Sabina Hunziker, Silke Walter, Rainer Schaefert
Laufzeit: 2019 – 2021

Checklist-guided shared decision-making for code status discussions in medical inpatients: a cluster-randomized multicenter trial
Verantwortlich: Sabina Hunziker
Laufzeit: 2019 – Ende 2021

A clinical trial of group-based body psychotherapy to improve bodily disturbances in posttreatment cancer patients, in combination with randomized controlled smartphone-triggered bodily interventions
Gefördert durch/Träger: Krebsliga Schweiz
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 188’500.-
Verantwortlich: Rainer Schaefert, Astrid Grossert, Viane Hess, Christoph Rochlitz, Miklos Pless, Sabina Hunziker, Brigitta Wössmer, Ulfried Geuter, Gunther Meinlschmidt
Laufzeit: 2018 – 2019

A Personalized Approach to Foster Dignity by a Palliative Consultation Service in Swiss Acute Hospital Care: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Gefördert durch/Träger: Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung & Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 50’000.-
Verantwortlich: Sandra Eckstein, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Sabina Hunziker, Silke Walter, Rainer Schaefert
Laufzeit: 2018 – 2019

Medizinstudierende lernen mit und von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung: ein Vergleich der Lehrformate Improvisationstheater-Workshop und Spielfilm-Besprechung
Gefördert durch/Träger: Studiendekanat, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Basel und Psychosomatische Abteilung, Universitätsspital Basel
Verantwortlich: Michael Wilde, Claudia Steiner, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Rainer Schaefert
Laufzeit: November 2018 – Dezember 2019

Effect of bedside patient case presentation compared to outside the room case presentation on patient perception of quality of care and patient outcomes: a randomized-controlled, multicenter trial
Gefördert durch/Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 368’000.-
Verantwortlich: Sabina Hunziker
Laufzeit: 2017 – Ende 2020

COMMUNICATE-Studie (Communication In out of hospital Cardiac ArresT Events)
Gefördert durch/Träger: Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stiftung
Drittmittelsumme: CHF 80'000.-
Verantwortlich: Sabina Hunziker
Laufzeit: 2013 – 2024


Weitere Forschungsprojekte
Forschung Medizinische Kommunikation

Effect of Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy on Patients with Chronic Dizziness - Objective Balance Deficits versus Dizziness only
Träger: Forschungsfond Psychosomatik USB
Verantwortlich: Dr. med. Dagmar Schmid

Auswirkungen einer strukturierten Visiten-Gestaltung auf die Zufriedenheit von Patienten, Pflegenden und Ärzten.
Träger: NN
Verantwortlich: Prof. W. Langewitz

Discharge Communication in Chest Pain
Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Verantwortlich: Victoria Siegrist, Prof. Dr. Wolf Langewitz (Principal Investigator), Prof. Dr. R. Bingisser, Prof. Dr. R. Mata

Effect of structured communication on patient satisfaction in anaesthetic care
Träger: Forschungspool Anästhesie USB
Verantwortlich: Sandra Jadin, Prof. Dr. A. Urwyler, Prof. W. Langewitz

Understanding why cancer patients accept or turn down psycho-oncological support. A prospective observational study including patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on communication about distress.
Träger: Krebsliga Schweiz
Verantwortlich: Dr. phil. Diana Zwahlen

Sind Studierende mit dem Feedback zum Reflective Writing zufriedener, wenn Hausärzte speziell instruiert werden? Eine randomisierte Studie
Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss

Development and piloting of a communication skills training for pediatric oncologists and pediatric oncology nurses interacting with adolescents and their parents
Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss

Psychosocial evaluation in potential living kidney donors in Switzerland: an observational multi-center study
Träger: Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften SAMW
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss

Anforderungs- und Rollenprofil für Dolmetschende im medizinischen Bereich
Träger: KTI (Kommission für Technologie und Innovation) - Förderagentur des Bundesamtes für Berufsbildung und Technologie (BBT)
Verantwortlich: lic. phil. Marina Slepsova

A cognitive-behavioural mindfulness intervention to improve health-related quality of life, depression and fatigue among long-term haematopoietic stem cell transplant survivors
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss, Paul Grossman, PhD

Longterm Benefits of Mindfulness Intervention upon Well-Being of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Träger: Schweizerische MS-Gesellschaft
Verantwortlich: Paul Grossman, PhD

Physical and psychological pedictors of patient fatigue one to ten years after human stem cell transplantation
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss, Paul Grossman, PhD

Deutsch für MigrantInnen mit chronischen Schmerzen
Träger: Integration Basel
Verantwortlich: lic. phil. Marina Slepsova

The Effects of a Cognitive-Behavioral Mindfulness Intervention upon Quality of Life, Depression and Fatigue among Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, Schweizerische MS-Gesellschaft, S.T. Johnson Foundation, Sanofi-Aventis, AstraZeneca Foundation, Biogen-Dompe
Verantwortlich: Paul Grossman, PhD

Crying in General Practice and in Oncology
Träger: Schweizerische MS-GesellschaftRoyal Dutch Academy of Science
Verantwortlich: Prof. J. Bensing (Utrecht), Prof. Dr. W. Langewitz

Communication Aspects of Patients with Multiple Unexplained Symptoms
Träger: Schweizerische MS-GesellschaftRoyal Dutch Academy of Science
Verantwortlich: Paul Grossman, PhD Prof. J. Bensing (Utrecht), Prof. Dr. W. Langewitz

Culturally Sensitive Group Therapy for Migrant Patients Suffering from Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. A Controlled Intervention Study Evaluating a New, Integrative Treatment Concept in Migrant Patients from Turkey
Träger: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. W. Langewitz

Betreute Selbsthilfegruppen für türkische Frauen und Männer mit chronischen Schmerzen
Träger: Migrant Friendly Hospitals (MFH)
Verantwortlich: W. Langewitz, N. Fink

Evaluation of the Swiss Cancer League Communication Skills Program for Oncologists and Oncology Nurses
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. W. Langewitz

End of life and death in human stem cell transplantation (HSCT): a qualitative study in doctors, nurses and bereaved families
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss

Patient Preferences vs. Physician Perceptions of Treatment Decisions in Cancer Therapy
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. A. Kiss

Optimizing care in patients with newly diagnosed bronchial carcinoma: Evaluation of their needs and of a patient centered intervention
Träger: Schweizerische Krebsliga
Verantwortlich: M. Tamm (Pneumologie), A. Kiss


Integrative group psychotherapy for patients with somatic symptom disorder: A randomized controlled trial.

Wang Y, Li L, Huang L, Ma J, Zheng L, Fritzsche K, Leonhart R, Toussaint AC, Schaefert R, Zhang L

Psychiatry Res. 2024 Jan;331:115660. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115660. Epub 2023 Dec 3.PMID: 38061179 


Procedures of brain death diagnosis and organ explantation in a tertiary medical centre - a retrospective eight-year cohort study.

Grzonka P, Baumann SM, Tisljar K, Hunziker S, Marsch S, Sutter R

Swiss Med Wkly. 2023 Jan 23;153:40029. doi: 10.57187/smw.2023.40029.PMID: 36787468


Future Exploration of the Outer Heliosphere and Very Local Interstellar Medium by Interstellar Probe.

Brandt PC, Provornikova E, Bale SD, Cocoros A, DeMajistre R, Dialynas K, Elliott HA, Eriksson S, Fields B, Galli A, Hill ME, Horanyi M, Horbury T, Hunziker S, Kollmann P, Kinnison J, Fountain G, Krimigis SM, Kurth WS, Linsky J, Lisse CM, Mandt KE, Magnes W, McNutt RL, Miller J, Moebius E, Mostafavi P, Opher M, Paxton L, Plaschke F, Poppe AR, Roelof EC, Runyon K, Redfield S, Schwadron N, Sterken V, Swaczyna P, Szalay J, Turner D, Vannier H, Wimmer-Schweingruber R, Wurz P, Zirnstein EJ

Space Sci Rev. 2023;219(2):18. doi: 10.1007/s11214-022-00943-x. Epub 2023 Feb 28.PMID: 36874191


[Psychosomatic health inventory: Basic psychosomatic documentation for quality assurance inpatient care].

Wutzler U, Croy I, Anderssen-Reuster U, Bierling A, Dörner S, Hoffmann T, Meinlschmidt G, Rauchfuß M, Rothe HM, Ulrich C, Villmann T, Wankerl M, Weidner K, Rose M

Z Psychosom Med Psychother. 2023 Feb;69(1):56-75. doi: 10.13109/zptm.2023.69.1.56.PMID: 36927321


COVID-19-related consultation-liaison (CL) mental health services in general hospitals: A perspective from Europe and beyond.

Schaefert R, Stein B, Meinlschmidt G, Roemmel N, Blanch J, Boye B, Carqueja E, De Matteis T, Dineen P, Doherty AM, Ferrari S, Lanvin V, Lee W, Lemmens GMD, Lemogne C, Małyszczak K, Mendes-Pedro A, Nejatisafa AA, Räsänen S, Rosen B, Simões do Couto F, Syngelakis M, Tarricone I, Van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Huber CG, Fazekas C, Vitinius F

J Psychosom Res. 2023 Apr;167:111183. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2023.111183. Epub 2023 Feb 10.PMID: 36801662


External validation of the PROLOGUE score to predict neurological outcome in adult patients after cardiac arrest: a prospective cohort study.

Blatter R, Gökduman B, Amacher SA, Becker C, Beck K, Gross S, Tisljar K, Sutter R, Pargger H, Marsch S, Hunziker S 

Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2023 Apr 4;31(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s13049-023-01081-1.PMID: 37016393


Group-based body psychotherapy improves appreciation of body awareness in post-treatment cancer patients: A non-randomized clinical trial.

Grossert A, Meffert C, Hess V, Rochlitz C, Pless M, Hunziker S, Wössmer B, Geuter U, Meinlschmidt G, Schaefert R

Front Psychol. 2023 Apr 6;14:956493. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.956493. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37089722


Patients' Preference for Participation in Medical Decision-Making: Secondary Analysis of the BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE Trial.

Becker C, Gross S, Gamp M, Beck K, Amacher SA, Mueller J, Bohren C, Blatter R, Schaefert R, Schuetz P, Leuppi J, Bassetti S, Hunziker S

J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Apr;38(5):1180-1189. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07775-z. Epub 2022 Sep 9.PMID: 36085211


Clinical practice guidelines for cardiovascular disease: how is depression addressed? Protocol for a systematic review.

Blatch Armon D, Buhayer A, Dobretz K, Meinlschmidt G, Battegay E

BMJ Open. 2023 May 2;13(5):e071940. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-071940.PMID: 37130663


Association Between Induced Burst Suppression and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Refractory Status Epilepticus: A 9-Year Cohort Study.

Fisch U, Jünger AL, Baumann SM, Semmlack S, De Marchis GM, Hunziker S, Rüegg S, Marsch S, Sutter R

Neurology. 2023 May 9;100(19):e1955-e1966. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207129. Epub 2023 Mar 8.PMID: 36889924


Early timing of anesthesia in status epilepticus is associated with complete recovery: A 7-year retrospective two-center study.

De Stefano P, Baumann SM, Grzonka P, Sarbu OE, De Marchis GM, Hunziker S, Rüegg S, Kleinschmidt A, Quintard H, Marsch S, Seeck M, Sutter R

Epilepsia. 2023 Jun;64(6):1493-1506. doi: 10.1111/epi.17614. Epub 2023 Apr 25.PMID: 37032415


Facilitators and barriers of routine psychosocial distress assessment within a stepped and collaborative care model in a Swiss hospital setting.

Aebi NJ, Baenteli I, Fink G, Meinlschmidt G, Schaefert R, Schwenkglenks M, Studer A, Trost S, Tschudin S, Wyss K; SomPsyNet Consortium

PLoS One. 2023 Jun 30;18(6):e0285395. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285395. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37390066


Reliability of self-reported dispositional mindfulness scales and their association with working memory performance and functional connectivity.

Kim Y, Lee J, Tegethoff M, Meinlschmidt G, Yoo SS, Lee JH

Brain Cogn. 2023 Jul;169:106001. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2023.106001. Epub 2023 May 24.PMID: 37235929


Sex-related differences in adult patients with status epilepticus: a seven-year two-center observation.

Baumann SM, De Stefano P, Kliem PSC, Grzonka P, Gebhard CE, Sarbu OE, De Marchis GM, Hunziker S, Rüegg S, Kleinschmidt A, Pugin J, Quintard H, Marsch S, Seeck M, Sutter R

Crit Care. 2023 Aug 5;27(1):308. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04592-6.PMID: 37543625


Smartphone-Based Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Blended Care of Cancer Survivors: Nested Randomized Clinical Trial.

Meinlschmidt G, Grossert A, Meffert C, Roemmel N, Hess V, Rochlitz C, Pless M, Hunziker S, Wössmer B, Geuter U, Schaefert R

JMIR Cancer. 2023 Aug 28;9:e38515. doi: 10.2196/38515.PMID: 37639296 


Treatment-associated network dynamics in patients with globus sensations: a proof-of-concept study.

Imperiale MN, Lieb R, Meinlschmidt G

.Sci Rep. 2023 Sep 20;13(1):15615. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-42186-y.PMID: 37730963


Occurrence of sensitive topics during ward round: an ancillary analysis of the BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE trial.

Gross S, Becker C, Beck K, Memma V, Gaab J, Schütz P, Leuppi JD, Schaefert R, Langewitz W, Trendelenburg M, Breidthardt T, Eckstein J, Osthoff M, Bassetti S, Hunziker S

BMJ Open. 2023 Sep 21;13(9):e073584. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073584.PMID: 37734895


Post-intensive care syndrome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: A prospective observational cohort study.

Vincent A, Beck K, Thommen E, Widmer M, Becker C, Loretz N, Gross S, Mueller J, Amacher SA, Bohren C, Schaefert R, Gaab J, Marsch S, Emsden C, Tisljar K, Sutter R, Hunziker S

PLoS One. 2022 Oct 14;17(10):e0276011. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276011. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36240252


Translation of patients' advance directives in intensive care units: are we there yet?

Baumann SM, Kruse NJ, Kliem PSC, Amacher SA, Hunziker S, Dittrich TD, Renetseder F, Grzonka P, Sutter R

J Intensive Care. 2023 Nov 15;11(1):53. doi: 10.1186/s40560-023-00705-z.PMID: 37968692


Prevention of psychosocial distress consequences in somatic hospital inpatients via a stepped and collaborative care model: protocol of SomPsyNet, a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial.

Meinlschmidt G, Frick A, Baenteli I, Karpf C, Studer A, Bachmann M, Dörner A, Tschudin S, Trost S, Wyss K, Fink G, Schwenkglenks M, Caviezel S, Rocco T, Schaefert R; SomPsyNet consortium

BMJ Open. 2023 Nov 23;13(11):e076814. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076814.PMID: 37996236


The Disclosure of Bad News Over the Phone vs. in Person and its Association with Psychological Distress: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Mueller J, Beck K, Loretz N, Becker C, Gross S, Blatter R, Urben T, Amacher SA, Schaefert R, Hunziker S 

J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Dec;38(16):3589-3603. doi: 10.1007/s11606-023-08323-z. Epub 2023 Aug 8.PMID: 37552418


Determinants of workload-related clinician stress levels in general hospital consultation liaison psychiatry services during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Ireland. Short report.

van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Sweetman J, Lee W, Doherty AM, Dineen P, Meinlschmidt G, Vitinius F, Fazekas C, Huber CG, Schaefert R, Stein B

J Psychosom Res. 2023 Dec 30;177:111584. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2023.111584. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38181547 


Prevention of psychosocial distress consequences in somatic hospital inpatients via a stepped and collaborative care model: protocol of SomPsyNet, a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial.
Meinlschmidt G, Frick A, Baenteli I, et al. BMJ Open. 2023;13(11):e076814. Published 2023 Nov 23. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076814 


Smartphone-Based Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Blended Care of Cancer Survivors: Nested Randomized Clinical Trial. 
Meinlschmidt G, Grossert A, Meffert C, et al. JMIR Cancer. 2023;9:e38515. Published 2023 Aug 28. doi:10.2196/38515 


Facilitators and barriers of routine psychosocial distress assessment within a stepped and collaborative care model in a Swiss hospital setting. 
Aebi NJ, Baenteli I, Fink G, et al. PLoS One. 2023;18(6):e0285395. Published 2023 Jun 30. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0285395


COVID-19-related consultation-liaison (CL) mental health services in general hospitals: A perspective from Europe and beyond. 
Schaefert R, Stein B, Meinlschmidt G, et al. J Psychosom Res. 2023;167:111183. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2023.111183 


Patients' Preference for Participation in Medical Decision-Making: Secondary Analysis of the BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE Trial. 
Becker, C., Gross, S., Gamp, M., Beck, K., Amacher, S. A., Mueller, J., Bohren, C., Blatter, R., Schaefert, R., Schuetz, P., Leuppi, J., Bassetti, S., & Hunziker, S. (2023). Journal of general internal medicine38(5), 1180–1189. 


Occurrence of sensitive topics during ward round: an ancillary analysis of the BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE trial. 
Gross, S., Becker, C., Beck, K., Memma, V., Gaab, J., Schütz, P., Leuppi, J. D., Schaefert, R., Langewitz, W., Trendelenburg, M., Breidthardt, T., Eckstein, J., Osthoff, M., Bassetti, S., & Hunziker, S. (2023). BMJ open13(9), e073584. 


Group-based body psychotherapy improves appreciation of body awareness in post-treatment cancer patients: A non-randomized clinical trial. 
Grossert A, Meffert C, Hess V, et al. Front Psychol. 2023;14:956493. Published 2023 Apr 6. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.956493 


The Disclosure of Bad News Over the Phone vs. in Person and its Association with Psychological Distress: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 
Mueller J., Beck K., Loretz N., Becker C., Gross S., Blatter R., Urben,T., Amacher S. A., Schaefert R. & Hunziker S. Journal of general internal medicine. 2023. 38(16), 3589–3603. 


Determinants of workload-related clinician stress levels in general hospital consultation liaison psychiatry services during the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Ireland. Short report. 
van der Feltz-Cornelis, C. M., Sweetman, J., Lee, W., Doherty, A. M., Dineen, P., Meinlschmidt, G., Vitinius, F., Fazekas, C., Huber, C. G., Schaefert, R., & Stein, B. (2023).Journal of psychosomatic research177, 111584. Advance online publication. 





COVID-19-Related Psychosocial Care in General Hospitals: Results of an Online Survey of Psychosomatic, Psychiatric, and Psychological Consultation and Liaison Services in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. 
Schaefert R, Stein B, Meinlschmidt G, et al. Front Psychiatry. 2022;13:870984. Published 2022 Jun 24. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.870984


Depressive symptoms, but not anxiety, predict subsequent diagnosis of Coronavirus disease 19: a national cohort study.
Meinlschmidt G, Guemghar S, Roemmel N, Battegay E, Hunziker S, Schaefert R. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2022;31:e16. Published 2022 Mar 25. doi:10.1017/S2045796021000676 


Perspectives of European internists on multimorbidity. A multinational survey.
Bernabeu-Wittel M, Holecki M, Tuttolomondo A, Chudek J, Battegay E; EFIM Multimorbidity Working Group.  European Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022;100:130-132. doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2022.02.008 


Bhend K, Bissig S, Martin L, Müller M, Carlotta P:
Studentische Reflexionen - Teil 2.
Prim Hosp Care Allg Inn Med 2022; 22: 29-32.





Update S3-Leitlinie Reizdarmsyndrom: Definition, Pathophysiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie. Gemeinsame Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurogastroenterologie und Motilität (DGNM) – Juni 2021 – AWMF-Registriernummer: 021/016.
Layer P, Andresen V, Allescher H, Bischoff SC, Claßen M, Elsenbruch S, Freitag M, Frieling T, Gebhard M, Goebel-Stengel M, Häuser W, Holtmann G, Keller J, Kreis ME, Kruis W, Langhorst J, Jansen PL, Madisch A, Mönnikes H, Müller-Lissner S, Niesler B, Pehl C, Pohl D, Raithel M, Röhrig-Herzog G, Schemann M, Schmiedel S, Schwille-Kiuntke J, Storr M, Preiß JC; Collaborators:, Andus T, Buderus S, Ehlert U, Engel M, Enninger A, Fischbach W, Gillessen A, Gschossmann J, Gundling F, Haag S, Helwig U, Hollerbach S, Karaus M, Katschinski M, Krammer H, Kuhlbusch-Zicklam R, Matthes H, Menge D, Miehlke S, Posovszky MC, Schaefert R, Schmidt-Choudhury A, Schwandner O, Schweinlin A, Seidl H, Stengel A, Tesarz J, van der Voort I, Voderholzer W, von Boyen G, von Schönfeld J, Wedel T; in Zusammenarbeit mit:; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie (DGAKI); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Naturheilkunde (DGNHK); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie und Bundesverband deutscher Pathologen e. V. (DGP/BDP); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und Ärztliche Psychotherapie (DGPM); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation (DGVM); Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e. V.; Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit (DTG); Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung (GPGE); Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DGKJ); Swiss Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (SwissNGM); Informationsforum für Patient:innen mit Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen (MAGDA).Z Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec;59(12):1323-1415. doi: 10.1055/a-1591-4794. Epub 2021 Dec 10.PMID: 34891206


Long COVID 1 year after hospitalisation for COVID-19: a prospective bicentric cohort study.
Becker C, Beck K, Zumbrunn S, Memma V, Herzog N, Bissmann B, Gross S, Loretz N, Mueller J, Amacher SA, Bohren C, Schaefert R, Bassetti S, Fux C, Mueller B, Schuetz P, Hunziker S.Swiss Med Wkly. 2021 Oct 22;151:w30091. doi: 10.4414/smw.2021.w30091. eCollection 2021 Oct 11.PMID: 34694106


Interventions to Improve Communication at Hospital Discharge and Rates of Readmission: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Becker C, Zumbrunn S, Beck K, Vincent A, Loretz N, Müller J, Amacher SA, Schaefert R, Hunziker S.JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Aug 2;4(8):e2119346. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.19346.PMID: 34448868


Pain and psyche in a patient with irritable bowel syndrome: chicken or egg? A time series case report.
Engel F, Stadnitski T, Stroe-Kunold E, Berens S, Schaefert R, Wild B.BMC Gastroenterol. 2021 Aug 3;21(1):309. doi: 10.1186/s12876-021-01879-2.PMID: 34344311


A qualitative study to investigate Swiss hospital personnel's perceived importance of and experiences with patient's mental-somatic multimorbidities.
Aebi NJ, Caviezel S, Schaefert R, Meinlschmidt G, Schwenkglenks M, Fink G, Riedo L, Leyhe T, Wyss K; SomPsyNet Consortium.BMC Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 12;21(1):349. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03353-5.PMID: 34253168


Higher Levels of Psychological Burden and Alterations in Personality Functioning in Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Engel F, Berens S, Gauss A, Schaefert R, Eich W, Tesarz J.Front Psychol. 2021 Jun 24;12:671493. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.671493. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34248767


Effect of Bedside Compared With Outside the Room Patient Case Presentation on Patients' Knowledge About Their Medical Care : A Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Trial.
Becker C, Gamp M, Schuetz P, Beck K, Vincent A, Hochstrasser S, Metzger K, Widmer M, Thommen E, Mueller B, Fux CA, Leuppi JD, Schaefert R, Langewitz W, Trendelenburg M, Breidthardt T, Eckstein J, Osthoff M, Bassetti S, Hunziker S; BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE Study Group.Ann Intern Med. 2021 Sep;174(9):1282-1292. doi: 10.7326/M21-0909. Epub 2021 Jun 29.PMID: 34181449 Clinical Trial.


The alternative serotonin transporter promoter P2 impacts gene function in females with irritable bowel syndrome.
Mohr S, Fritz N, Hammer C, Martínez C, Berens S, Schmitteckert S, Wahl V, Schmidt M, Houghton LA, Goebel-Stengel M, Kabisch M, Götze D, Milovač I, D'Amato M, Zheng T, Röth R, Mönnikes H, Engel F, Gauss A, Tesarz J, Raithel M, Andresen V, Frieling T, Keller J, Pehl C, Stein-Thöringer C, Clarke G, Kennedy PJ, Cryan JF, Dinan TG, Quigley EMM, Spiller R, Beltrán C, Madrid AM, Torres V, Pérez de Arce E, Herzog W, Mayer EA, Sayuk G, Gazouli M, Karamanolis G, Kapur-Pojskič L, Bustamante M, Rabionet R, Estivil X, Franke A, Lieb W, Boeckxstaens G, Wouters MM, Simrén M, Rappold GA, Vicario M, Santos J, Schaefert R, Lorenzo-Bermejo J, Niesler B.J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Aug;25(16):8047-8061. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16736. Epub 2021 Jun 24.PMID: 34165249


Psychological burden in patients with COVID-19 and their relatives 90 days after hospitalization: A prospective observational cohort study.
Vincent A, Beck K, Becker C, Zumbrunn S, Ramin-Wright M, Urben T, Quinto A, Schaefert R, Meinlschmidt G, Gaab J, Reinhardt T, Bassetti S, Schuetz P, Hunziker S.J Psychosom Res. 2021 Aug;147:110526. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110526. Epub 2021 May 19.PMID: 34051515


Prevalence and factors associated with psychological burden in COVID-19 patients and their relatives: A prospective observational cohort study.
Beck K, Vincent A, Becker C, Keller A, Cam H, Schaefert R, Reinhardt T, Sutter R, Tisljar K, Bassetti S, Schuetz P, Hunziker S.PLoS One. 2021 May 5;16(5):e0250590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250590. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33951085


Different Dimensions of Affective Processing in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study.
Berens S, Schaefert R, Ehrenthal JC, Baumeister D, Eich W, Tesarz J.Front Psychol. 2021 Mar 29;12:625381. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.625381. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33854462


The Validity of Somatic Symptom Disorder in Patients With Gastrointestinal Complaints.
Berens S, Schaefert R, Ehrenthal JC, Baumeister D, Gauss A, Eich W, Tesarz J.J Clin Gastroenterol. 2021 Sep 1;55(8):e66-e76. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001505.PMID: 33780221


Association of medical futility with do-not-resuscitate (DNR) code status in hospitalised patients.
Becker C, Manzelli A, Marti A, Cam H, Beck K, Vincent A, Keller A, Bassetti S, Rikli D, Schaefert R, Tisljar K, Sutter R, Hunziker S.J Med Ethics. 2021 Jan 29:medethics-2020-106977. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106977. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33514639


Does stress influence the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A narrative review of the literature.
Vincent A, Semmer NK, Becker C, Beck K, Tschan F, Bobst C, Schuetz P, Marsch S, Hunziker S.J Crit Care. 2021 Jun;63:223-230. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.09.020. Epub 2020 Sep 25.PMID: 33046274 Review.


Medical futility regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation in in-hospital cardiac arrests of adult patients: A systematic review and Meta-analysis.
Beck K, Vincent A, Cam H, Becker C, Gross S, Loretz N, Müller J, Amacher SA, Bohren C, Sutter R, Bassetti S, Hunziker S.Resuscitation. 2021 Dec 9:S0300-9572(21)00507-4. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.11.041. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34896244


First-Response ABCDE Management of Status Epilepticus: A Prospective High-Fidelity Simulation Study.
Kliem PSC, Tisljar K, Baumann SM, Grzonka P, De Marchis GM, Bassetti S, Bingisser R, Hunziker S, Marsch S, Sutter R.J Clin Med. 2022 Jan 15;11(2):435. doi: 10.3390/jcm11020435.PMID: 35054129


Thyroid Function of Pregnant Women and Perinatal Outcomes in North Macedonia.
Avramovska M, Kostova NM, Karanfilski B, Hunziker S, Vaskova O, Dimitrov G, Dzikova E, Markova AD, Lega MH, Tofoski G, Sikole A.Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2021 Oct;43(10):736-742. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1736172. Epub 2021 Nov 16.PMID: 34784629


Sleep-wake misperception. A comprehensive analysis of a large sleep lab cohort.
Valko PO, Hunziker S, Graf K, Werth E, Baumann CR.Sleep Med. 2021 Dec;88:96-103. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.10.023. Epub 2021 Oct 22.PMID: 34742039


Diagnostic yield of cerebrospinal fluid analysis in status epilepticus: an 8-year cohort study.
Dittrich TD, Baumann SM, Semmlack S, De Marchis GM, Hunziker S, Rüegg S, Marsch S, Tschudin-Sutter S, Sutter R.J Neurol. 2021 Sep;268(9):3325-3336. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10447-3. Epub 2021 Mar 5.PMID: 33666722


Predictors of student pharmacist success on an advanced pharmacy practice experience-readiness performance-based assessment.
Hunziker S, Fan J, Ronald K, Deshpande M, Frueh J.Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2021 Dec;13(12):1564-1571. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2021.09.025. Epub 2021 Oct 6.PMID: 34895664


Prolonged mechanical ventilation in patients with terminated status epilepticus and outcome: An observational cohort study.
Baumann SM, Semmlack S, Rybitschka A, Kliem PSC, De Marchis GM, Rüegg S, Hunziker S, Marsch S, Sutter R.Epilepsia. 2021 Dec;62(12):3042-3057. doi: 10.1111/epi.17100. Epub 2021 Oct 18.PMID: 34661284


GWAS Hits for Bilateral Convergent Strabismus with Exophthalmos in Holstein Cattle Using Imputed Sequence Level Genotypes.
Bögeholz A, Falker-Gieske C, Guélat M, Gurtner C, Hunziker S, Oevermann A, Thaller G, Drögemüller C, Tetens J.Genes (Basel). 2021 Jul 4;12(7):1039. doi: 10.3390/genes12071039.PMID: 34356055


Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE) Predicts Long-Term Mortality in Adult Patients after Cardiac Arrest: Results from a Prospective Trial.
Müller J, Bissmann B, Becker C, Beck K, Loretz N, Gross S, Amacher SA, Bohren C, Pargger H, Tisljar K, Sutter R, Marsch S, Hunziker S.Medicines (Basel). 2021 Nov 17;8(11):72. doi: 10.3390/medicines8110072.PMID: 34822369


Prediction of Postictal Delirium Following Status Epilepticus in the ICU: First Insights of an Observational Cohort Study.
Baumann SM, Semmlack S, Hunziker S, Kaplan PW, De Marchis GM, Rüegg S, Marsch S, Sutter R.Crit Care Med. 2021 Dec 1;49(12):e1241-e1251. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005212.PMID: 34259657


Prpić M, Franceschi M, Vidranski V, Andersson M, Zimmermann MB, Hunziker S, Milošević M, Kusić Z, Jukić T.Acta Clin Croat. 2021 Jun;60(2):259-267. doi: 10.20471/acc.2021.60.02.12.PMID: 34744276


Swiss-wide multicentre evaluation and prediction of core outcomes in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: protocol for the ARCR_Pred cohort study.
Audigé L, Bucher HCC, Aghlmandi S, Stojanov T, Schwappach D, Hunziker S, Candrian C, Cunningham G, Durchholz H, Eid K, Flury M, Jost B, Lädermann A, Moor BK, Moroder P, Rosso C, Schär M, Scheibel M, Spormann C, Suter T, Wieser K, Zumstein M; ARCR_Pred Study Group, Müller AM.BMJ Open. 2021 Apr 22;11(4):e045702. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045702.PMID: 33888530


Doctor-patient communication during the Corona crisis - web-based interactions and structured feedback from standardized patients at the University of Basel and the LMU Munich.
Langewitz W, Pleines Dantas Seixas U, Hunziker S, Becker C, Fischer MR, Benz A, Otto B.GMS J Med Educ. 2021 Apr 15;38(4):Doc81. doi: 10.3205/zma001477. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34056070


Riesen E, Affentranger AL, Bhend K, Janscak M, Martin L:
Studentische Reflexionen
Prim Hosp Care Allg Inn Med 2021; 21: 299-302.




Berens S, Banzhaf P, Baumeister D, Gauss A, Eich W, Schaefert R, Tesarz J:
Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and illness anxiety in irritable bowel syndrome - The impact of gender.
J Psychosom Res 2020; 128: 109846.


Berens S, Schaefert R, Baumeister D, Gauss A, Eich W, Tesarz J:
Drug treatment and psychological distress in inflammatory bowel disease: Response to Sovich's letter to the Editor.
J Psychosom Res 2020; 132: 109971.


Langewitz W:
Reaching wise decisions, shared decision making, and information recall-A causal relationship or just an association?
Patient Educ Couns 2020; 103: 2-4.


Meinlschmidt G, Berdajs D, Moser-Starck R, Frick A, Gross S, Schurr U, Eckstein FS, Hunziker S, Schaefert R:
Perceived Need for Psychosocial Support After Aortic Dissection: Cross-Sectional Survey.
J Particip Med 2020; 12: e15447.


Schmid DA, Allum JHJ, Sleptsova M, Welge-Lussen A, Schaefert R, Meinlschmidt G, Langewitz W:
Relation of anxiety and other psychometric measures, balance deficits, impaired quality of life, and perceived state of health to dizziness handicap inventory scores for patients with dizziness.Health Qual Life Outcomes 2020; 18: 204.


Berens S, Engel F, Gauss A, Tesarz J, Herzog W, Niesler B, Stroe-Kunold E, Schaefert R.
Patients with Multiple Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs) Show Increased Illness Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Tertiary Care FGID Specialty Clinic.
Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2020 Jan 28;2020:9086340. doi: 10.1155/2020/9086340. PMID: 32411207; PMCID: PMC7204123.


Meinlschmidt G, Berdajs D, Moser-Starck R, Frick A, Gross S, Schurr U, Eckstein FS, Hunziker S, Schaefert R.
Perceived Need for Psychosocial Support After Aortic Dissection: Cross-Sectional Survey.
J Particip Med. 2020 Jul 6;12(3):e15447. doi: 10.2196/15447. PMID: 33064108; PMCID: PMC7434062.


Becker C., Kuenzli N., Perrig S.,Beck JK., Vincent A., Widmer M., Thommen E., Schaefert R., Bassetti S. , Hunziker S.: 
Code Status Discussions in Medical Inpatients: Results of a Survey of Patients and Physicians
Swiss Med Wkly. 2020 Mar 23;150:w20194.


Boerlin A, Luescher T, Becker C, Perrig S, Thommen E, Widmer M, Beck K, Vincent A, Tisljar K, Bernasconi L, Neyer P, Schuetz P, Sutter R, Marsch S, Hunziker S.: 
Low Plasma Sphingomyelin Levels Show a Weak Association with Poor Neurological Outcome in Cardiac Arrest Patients: Results from the Prospective, Observational COMMUNICATE Trial.
J Clin Med. 2020 Mar 25;9(4):E897.


Widmer M, Thommen EB, Becker C, Beck K, Vincent AM, Perrig S, Keller A, Bernasconi L, Neyer P, Marsch S, Pargger H, Sutter R, Tisljar K, Hunziker S.: 
Association of acyl carnitines and mortality in out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest patients: Results of a prospective observational study. 
J Crit Care. 2020 Mar 26;58:20-26.


Herzog N, Laager R, Thommen E, Widmer M, Vincent AM, Keller A, Becker C, Beck K, Perrig S, Bernasconi L, Neyer P, Marsch S, Schuetz P, Sutter R, Tisljar K, Hunziker S.: 
Association of Taurine with In-Hospital Mortality in Patients after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Results from the Prospective, Observational COMMUNICATE Study
J Clin Med. 2020 May 9;9(5):1405.


Tramèr L, Becker C, Schumacher C, Beck K, Tschan F, Semmer NK, Hochstrasser S, Marsch S, Hunziker S.: 
Association of self-esteem, personality, stress and gender with performance of a resuscitation team: A simulation-based study.
PLoS One. 2020 May 14;15(5):e0233155


Hochstrasser S., Metzger K., Vincent A., Becker C., Keller A., 5, Beck K., Perrig S., Tisljar K., Sutter R., Schuetz P., Bernasconi L., Neyer P., Marsch S., Hunziker S.:
Trimethylamine-N-Oxide (TMAO) Predicts Short- and Long-term Mortality and Poor Neurological Outcome in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
Clin Chem Lab Med. 2020 Aug 31:/j/cclm.ahead-of-print/cclm-2020-0159/cclm-2020-0159.xml


Keller A, Becker C, Nienhaus K, Beck K, Vincent A, Sutter R, Tisljar K, Schuetz P, Bernasconi L, Neyer P,
Pargger H, Marsch S, Hunziker S.: 
Arginine and Arginine/ADMA Ratio Predict 90-Day Mortality in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest-Results from the Prospective, Observational COMMUNICATE Trial
J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 25;9(12):3815


Becker C, Beck K, Vincent A, Hunziker S.: 
Communication challenges in end-of-life decisions
Swiss Med Wkly. 2020 Sep 18;150:w20351.


Vincent A, Semmer NK, Becker C, Beck K, Tschan F, Bobst C, Schuetz P, Marsch S, Hunziker S.:
Does stress influence the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A narrative review of the literature
J Crit Care. 2020 Sep 25:S0883-9441(20)30699-7.


Becker C, Manzelli A, Marti A, Cam H, Beck K, Vincent K, Keller A, Bassetti S, Rikli D,  Schaefert R, Tisljar K, Sutter R, Hunziker S.:
Association of Medical Futility with Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Code Status in Hospitalized Patients
BMJ Medical Ethics (in press)


Hunziker S., Quinto A., Ramin-Wright M., Becker C., Beck K., Vincent A., Tisljar K., Disanto G, Benkert P, Leppert D, Pargger H, Marsch S,  Sutter R, Peters N, Kuhle J.: 
Serum neurofilament measurement improves clinical risk scores for outcome prediction after cardiac arrest:
results of a prospective study
Critical Care (in press)


Zwahlen D:
Psychoonkologische Unterstützung – ja, nein, vielleicht später
Krebsforschung Schweiz, Ausgabe 2020 Forschungsbericht - Krebsforschung Schweiz


Rosin C, Hennings E, Gerlach K, Wieners K, Winterholler M, Heierle-Duberow A, Tschudin S, Nickel C, Bingisser R:
Notfallsituation: häusliche Gewalt.
Swiss Med Forum 2020; 20: 250-255.


Schaefert R:
Ernährung, Mikrobiota und Psyche beim Reizdarmsyndrom.
Rev Med Suisse 2020; 16: 230-232.



Essig S, Steiner C, Kuhne T, Kremens B, Langewitz W, Kiss A:
Communication Skills Training for Professionals Working with Adolescent Patients with Cancer Based on Participants' Needs: A Pilot.
J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2019.


Gamp M, Becker C, Tondorf T, Hochstrasser S, Metzger K, Meinlschmidt G, Langewitz W, Schafert R, Bassetti S, Hunziker S:
Effect of Bedside vs. Non-bedside Patient Case Presentation During Ward Rounds: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
J Gen Intern Med 2019.


Grossert A, Meffert C, Hess V, Rochlitz C, Pless M, Hunziker S, Wossmer B, Geuter U, Meinlschmidt G, Schaefert R:
A clinical trial of group-based body psychotherapy to improve bodily disturbances in post-treatment cancer patients in combination with randomized controlled smartphone-triggered bodily interventions (KPTK): study protocol.
BMC Psychol 2019; 7: 90.


Kim HC, Tegethoff M, Meinlschmidt G, Stalujanis E, Belardi A, Jo S, Lee J, Kim DY, Yoo SS, Lee JH:Mediation analysis of triple networks revealed functional feature of mindfulness from real-time fMRI neurofeedback.Neuroimage 2019; 195: 409-432.


Korner LM, Pause BM, Meinlschmidt G, Tegethoff M, Frohlich S, Kozlowski P, Rivet N, Jamey C, Reix N, Kintz P, Raul JS, Heil M:Prenatal testosterone exposure is associated with delay of gratification and attention problems/overactive behavior in 3-year-old boys.Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019; 104: 49-54.


Langewitz W, Schaefert R:
Hyperventilationssyndrom und dysfunktionale Atmung.
Swiss Med Forum 2019; 19: 749-752.


Lobmaier JS, Probst F, Lory V, Meyer AH, Meinlschmidt G:
Increased sensitivity to social exclusion during the luteal phase: Progesterone as resilience factor buffering against ostracism?
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019; 107: 217-224.


Metzger K, Gamp M, Tondorf T, Hochstrasser S, Becker C, Luescher T, Rasiah R, Boerlin A, Tisljar K, Emsden C, Sutter R, Schaefert R, Meinlschmidt G, Marsch S, Hunziker S:
Depression and anxiety in relatives of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: Results of a prospective observational study.
J Crit Care 2019; 51: 57-63.


Rivet N, Jamey C, Reix N, Kintz P, Heil M, Erdmann K, Koerner LM, Lawrenz J, Froehlich S, Kozlowski P, Meinlschmidt G, Tegethoff M, Raul J-S:
Measurement of cortisol, cortisone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estradiol, estriol, and testosterone in human amniotic fluid by ultra performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry.
F1000 Research (accepted).


Roenneberg C, Sattel H, Schaefert R, Henningsen P, Hausteiner-Wiehle C:
Functional Somatic Symptoms.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2019; 116: 553-560.


Stalujanis E, Meinlschmidt G, Belardi A, Tegethoff M:
Maternal psychopathology and mental health treatment delay in adolescents from a national cohort.
Health Serv Res 2019; 54: 149-157.


Veit I, Herrmann M, Schaefert R:
Nicht-spezifische, funktionelle und somatoforme Körperbeschwerden (NFS).
In: Dietrich DE, Goesmann C, Gensichen J, Hauth I, Veit I (Hrsg.). Praxisleitfaden Psychische Erkrankungen: Von Hausärzten und Psychiatern gemeinsam für die Praxis erarbeitet. Bern, Hogrefe AG, 2019, 193-207.