Empirische Analyse der Urteile in IV-Rentenfällen: Evidenz vom Sozialversicherungsgericht des Kantons Zürich
Interdisciplinary research
Altwicker-Hámori S, Altwicker T, Gerber D ‘Measuring outcomes in disability pension judgments: Evidence from the Social Security Court of the Canton of Zurich’ (forthcoming in Journal of Social Security Law, Issue 2, 2022) ZHAW-UZH Medicine, empirical legal research, social security law, statistics and social security studies
2023-11-29, 13:02
Project team
Student Coders: Zoé Gianocca, Gian Heimann, Petra Koller, Polina Pokrovskaya, Andrea Vuksic, Laura Whittlestone External Experts: Thomas Gächter and Hans-Jakob Mosimann
Medical Expert: Eugen Altwicker Funding: ZHAW ‘Forschungsschwerpunkt Gesellschaftliche Integration’ and ‘Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der UZH