Junior assistants and clinical traineeships in hematology
As a sub-assistant in hematology, you will have the opportunity to get to know this specialty in outpatient and inpatient settings.
The working day starts at 8.00 am (with daily report) and ends between 5.00 and 6.00 pm. You will not be required to work nights or weekends.
The Isolation Ward in the Hematology Department of the University Hospital Basel offers 4 sub-assistant positions per year (in the elective or practical year). The sub-assistants must be in their 10th semester when they start the position. One position with a duration of 1 - 4 months can be filled for each sub-assistant period, subject to availability.
Principle and learning objectives
The primary goal is of course to learn and experience the work of a doctor in a hematology department:
- Integration of the sub-assistant into the life and work of a ward
- Integration and active participation of the sub-assistant in patient reports and ward rounds
- Intensive training in anamnesis, status and assessment of incoming patients
- Learning how to keep a sensible and efficient medical history
- Learning to write discharge reports
- Learning to present a patient (on ward rounds, interdisciplinary conferences, etc.)
- Learning to care for and present their own patients under the supervision of a senior physician
- Learning simple diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (blood sampling, injection techniques, bone marrow, lumbar, pleural and ascites puncture)
Learning objectives
- Taking a medical history
- Taking a status report
- Keeping the medical history
- Making a differential diagnosis
- Identifying options/measures in haematology (therapy)
- Diagnosis of hematologic diseases
- Treatment of benign and malignant hematologic diseases (chemotherapy, antibodies, targeted therapies, stem cell transplantation, cellular therapies (CAR-T))
- Learning about the side effects of chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation
- Immunological side effects and therapy (graft-versus-host disease)
- Treatment of infections in immunocompromised patients
Terms of employment
Working hours:
Officially, working hours begin at 8.00 a.m. and last until 6.00 p.m. with a lunch break.
In principle, the junior assistant accompanies the assistant or senior physician responsible for him/her to all mandatory reports and ward rounds. The rest of the daily routine is discussed daily with the responsible assistant doctor (admissions, KG management, etc...). In addition, the sub-assistants are on duty at weekends and on public holidays.
Residence permit:
Will be applied for by us. If you are spending more than one tertial in Basel, please inform us
at the beginning so that the permit can be obtained for the entire period.
Salary, insurance:
The salary is CHF 1200 per month. Social insurances (AHV, unemployment insurance, occupational and non-occupational accident insurance 3rd class) are deducted from this, as well as the costs for the residence permit in the first month. During their stay with us, the sub-assistants are insured for occupational and non-occupational accidents and liability, but not for illness - in this case, they must take out appropriate cover in Switzerland themselves.
At your own expense and organization.
Application modalities
Send your complete application with
- personal details
- career
- Details of all clinical traineeships and sub-assistantships, including those planned
- Topic of your doctoral thesis
- Physikum, university transcripts
- Certificate of enrollment
- Copy of passport or ID card
- Photo
For a junior assistant position, please send an e-mail to the Hematology office.