Organization & Management
The highest governing body of the University Hospital Basel is the Board of Directors. The hospital management, headed by the hospital director, is responsible for operational management.
The clinics are organized in medical departments. The medical centers are interdisciplinary and interprofessional.
The Medical Directorate (Medical Directorate and Nursing/MTT Directorate), the Human Resources Directorate, the Finance Directorate and the Processes, Management and Development Directorate as well as the Operations, Digitalization & ICT and Real Estate departments support the core medical business.
"Together, we are shaping the future of university medicine as pioneers and innovators."

Robert-Jan Bumbacher, Chairman of the Board of Directors, University Hospital Basel
"We stand for the best healthcare, excellent research and teaching with the University of Basel and innovation with the regional life sciences cluster."

Dr. med. Werner Kübler, Hospital Director, University Hospital Basel
This is what we stand for
Research and innovation
The University Hospital Basel is a leader in university research and innovation - for the benefit of patients, together with the University of Basel and other partners.
The University Hospital of Basel defines seven interdisciplinary focal points in clinical practice, research and development, from which renowned experts expect significant advances for the future of medicine. In this way, the University Hospital Basel is raising its profile both nationally and internationally and providing direct benefits for its patients.
>1 Mio
inhabitants live in the catchment area of the University Hospital Basel.
clinical research groups work on 9 key areas, together with the University of Basel.
Innovation foci promise significant progress for the future of medicine.
Vision: "We improve people's lives and ourselves - every day."
Working in partnership
The University Hospital Basel is shaping the future of medicine with pioneering collaborations and close partnerships. Our success is based on interprofessional and interdisciplinary cooperation.
Doctors in private practice are among our most important partners. We promote the exchange of information, organize further training and constantly improve our services for the benefit of the patients we treat together.
The medical centers care for our patients from diagnosis through treatment to aftercare. Specialists from different disciplines and professions work closely together. Specialization in medicine improves the efficiency of therapies, but makes it more difficult for patients to find their way around. Our medical centers can help here.

Click on the titles to watch the individual films.
Hand in hand: how an operation is prepared
At the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, we live partnership
Dialysis requires high-tech expertise and humanity
In the intensive care unit, 70 doctors and nurses consult with each other every day
Click on the titles to watch the individual films.
Hand in hand: how an operation is prepared
At the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, we live partnership
Dialysis requires high-tech expertise and humanity
In the intensive care unit, 70 doctors and nurses consult with each other every day
institutional partnerships in Switzerland.
doctors in private practice work together with the University Hospital Basel.
Doctors in our intensive care unit consult with each other every day.
projects in Africa with numerous clinical and research partners.
Prospects for employees
The University Hospital Basel is one of the largest employers in Northwestern Switzerland. Our approximately 8,000 employees from 84 nations provide medical care for over one million people.
The University Hospital Basel works closely with the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel. The most important joint tasks are the training and further education of doctors and research. As a central hospital, we unite all medical disciplines under one roof. The close cooperation with the University of Basel and research partners in the region also offers attractive development opportunities.

We offer a variety of exciting jobs with the best prospects for career and advancement. Discover our diverse range of jobs and become part of #TeamUSB.
employees work at the University Hospital Basel in 36 professional groups, 52 clinics, 15 medical centers and in core business support.
people are trained every year.
disciplines we offer for sub-assistants.
nations are represented at the University Hospital Basel.
Highest quality and value-based medicine
Our services meet the highest standards of medical treatment quality. We focus on value-based medicine. The individual treatment outcome and the patient experience are at the center of everything we do.
In value-based healthcare, the success of treatment is also measured by how patients themselves assess their quality of life. The University Hospital Basel is a leader in this internationally recognized approach.

Sustainability has a firm place in the vision of the University Hospital Basel. We are committed to both ecological and social issues.
The USB has medical centers.
Values define our strategy:
together - careful - courageous - responsible.
We surveyed patients using questionnaires on value-based healthcare.
Certifications for the highest medical quality are regularly reviewed and re-awarded.
There for you 24/7 in the heart of Basel
The Health Campus is located in the heart of Basel. Easily accessible for patients, relatives, employees, researchers and all our partners.
In the middle of the city of Basel, easily accessible and in close proximity to the university's Life Science Hub, we provide patients with state-of-the-art medical care in practically all medical disciplines. All our treatment and care processes are geared towards maximum safety.

The University Hospital Basel is located in the heart of the city of Basel, at the heart of the regional life sciences cluster. A forward-looking and attractive infrastructure supports us in our core business, as a national and international pillar of healthcare and in excellent university teaching and research. Through the sustainable development of the Health Campus, we are assuming responsibility, both today and for future generations.

patients are treated as inpatients every year.
Programs continuously monitor patient safety.
Patient Advisory Board supports us in improving patient orientation and quality of results.
We received and processed feedback from patients in 2022.
We improve people's lives and ourselves - every day.