

We have collected further relevant information about your hospital stay for you here. If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To the contact form

Requesting medical documents for patients

Are you a patient and would like individual reports or findings? Then the team at the Medical Documentation Service Center is at your disposal. If reports need to be requested from the clinics, the team will take care of further communication with the relevant clinic. Please send your requests in writing and with a copy of an official ID to the postal address

University Hospital Basel
SC Medical Documentation
4031 Basel

or by e-mail to . Due to data protection considerations, the documents will be sent by post.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7.45-12.15, 14-17 (Sat, Sun and public holidays: closed)
Phone +41 61 328 52 28

Found objects

You will find the hospital information office at the information desk of Hospital 2 at Petersgraben 4.

You can also contact us by telephone on +41 61 265 50 01.

Questions about your invoice / copy of invoice

We see ourselves as a service center for internal and external customers, offering support in all matters relating to tariff and insurance expertise, legal principles and systems technology.

Our task and responsibility is to continuously optimize processes so that all medical and hospital services provided can be invoiced without errors. The constant exchange of information and knowledge with all involved parties supports and promotes professional competence in all areas.

You can reach us by telephone from Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., using the telephone numbers for the relevant specialist area (see table below).

You can also send your request to

Admission department

Cost assurance -
Cost approval
Doris Chirico
Graziella Avellina
Cost assurance - eKoGu
Cost approval
Tel. +41 61 556 57 80 - Service line
Fax +41 61 265 22 11

Accounts receivable/collection

Accounts receivable/collection Jonas Richner
Head of Accounts Receivable/Collection
Phone +41 61 556 55 17
08.30-11.30 a.m.
Payment / Repayment Specialist office
Phone +41 61 556 56 00
08.30-11.30 a.m.
Partial payment
Ongoing debt collection proceedings
Risk information
Repurchase of loss certificates
Your name: A- K
Mr. D. Leuenberger
Phone +41 61 328 75 85
Your name: L-Q
Ms. M. Pentimone
Tel. +41 61 328 78 57
Your name: R-Z
Mr. A. Scerna
Phone +41 61 265 55 13
08.30-11.30 a.m.
Our invoice
Service provider
with telephone number
see -> letterhead of the invoice
08.30-11.30 a.m.

Specialist area patient invoices

Patient invoices
Outpatient billing:
(incl. outpatient/day clinic stay)
Nadin Meier
Support Center Billing -
Team leader outpatient billing
Phone +41 61 556 57 79
41 61 265 76 00 - Service line
Patient invoices
Inpatient billing:
Ulrike Mutter
Support Center Billing
Team leader inpatient billing
Tel. +41 61 556 57 81
41 61 556 52 52 - Service line
Patient invoices:
Questions about individual
Specialist department
with telephone number
see -> box on the last page of the invoice
or -> Letterhead of the invoice

Financial accounting / payment transactions / bank details

Financial accounting Dominik Löw Manager
Financial Accounting
Phone +41 61 556 59 79
08.30-11.30 a.m.

General Ledger Accounting - Accounts Payable

General Ledger Accounting Karl-Heinz Hartmann
Head of Accounts Payable
Phone +41 61 328 76 16
08.30-11.30 a.m.

Third-party resources and funds

Third-party resources and funds Patricia Zeiser
Research, third-party resources and funds
Phone +41 61 556 56 85
08.30-11.30 a.m.

Specialist area Holding companies

Financial accounting Pascal Saner
Head of Corporate Finance
Phone +41 61 328 50 72
08.30-11.30 a.m.

Specialist area SwissDRG - Medical controlling - Medical coding - Medical statistics

Medical and financial
Dr. med. Sabrina Gänsbacher
Head of Medical and Financial Controlling
Phone +41 61 328 53 71
08.30-11.30 a.m.

Medical and Financial Controlling - Analysis Data - MIS

Reporting and Analysis Alexander Scholz
Head of Controlling and Planning
Phone +41 61 328 76 19
08.30-11.30 a.m.

TARMED service catalog and tariffs

Recording of services Brit Freitag
Tariff management department
TARMED tariffs
Phone +41 61 328 55 03

08.30-11.30 a.m.

Tariffs and contracts department

Tariffs and contracts Rosemarie Noesberger
Head of Tariffs and Contracts
Tel. +41 61 265 38 77
08.30-11.30 a.m.

From 1.1.2022, service providers and hospitals are obliged to send the insured person a copy of the invoice for outpatient and inpatient treatment without being asked (see Art. 42 para. 3 KVG).

General explanations and notes on invoices

Tarmed/outpatient: here
Swiss DRG/ inpatient: here

If you have general questions or are unclear about the data or services on your copy of the invoice, please contact our hotline on +41 61 265 51 51 (available from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 12.00 and 13.30 to 16.30).

We have summarized the most frequently asked questions in a FAQ below.

Since January 1, 2022, service providers and hospitals have been obliged to send the insured person a copy of the invoice for outpatient and inpatient treatment without being asked (see Art. 42 para. 3 KVG). The Federal Council decided on this as a cost-containment measure within the scope of the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG).

No, you do not need to forward this copy of the invoice to your health insurance company. The invoice has already been sent directly to your health insurance company. The copy of the invoice is for information purposes only.

If you have received a copy of the invoice without a payment slip including an accompanying letter, you do not have to pay the invoice. The copy of the invoice is for information purposes only.

No, we cannot prevent copies of invoices from being sent.

For further information, please contact our hotline on +41 61 265 51 51.

In this case, it will be an invoice that was canceled and recreated after the first invoice copy was sent. We have sent you the new invoice again as a copy of the invoice.

With the TP (Tiers payant) payment type, the service provider sends the invoice directly to the health insurance company. With the TG (Tiers garant) payment type, the service provider sends the invoice directly to the patient.

Please send this information in writing by e-mail to or by post to University Hospital Basel, Support Center Billing, Hebelstrasse 34, 4031 Basel.

The wrong health insurance was obviously recorded when the patient was admitted. We are sorry for this. Please send us your correct insurance details by e-mail to

For efficient processing, please provide the following information:
Name, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, address and invoice number.

Please report your correct address by e-mail to

For efficient processing, please provide the following information:
Name, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, invoice number and your old and new address.

Please send your request, stating the invoice number, in writing by e-mail to or by post to University Hospital Basel, Support Center Billing, Hebelstrasse 34, 4031 Basel.

We will then forward your request to the relevant clinic/department for review and get back to you as soon as possible.

Since January 1, 2012, the SwissDRG (Swiss Diagnosis Related Groups) tariff system, which is based on flat rates per case (i.e. a flat rate per case), has been used throughout Switzerland for the remuneration of inpatient acute somatic hospital services. Each hospitalization is assigned to a case group (DRG) based on medical (diagnosis, treatment, etc.) and other criteria (age of the patient, etc.). These case groups are identical throughout Switzerland. By charging a flat rate per case, there is no billing for individual services in the general ward in the inpatient area. This form of remuneration compensates service providers on the basis of the average amount of work involved in a treatment. For this reason, it is not possible for us to send you a detailed copy of the invoice.

Patient Advisory Board

The Patient Advisory Board was set up to incorporate the concerns of patients into the services and treatment paths of the University Hospital Basel. The members of the Patient Advisory Board meet regularly and actively participate in working groups on topics relating to patient-centered healthcare.

With the Patient Advisory Board, the University Hospital Basel aims to systematically incorporate the interests of patients, relatives and members of patient organizations, as well as the general public, into its decision-making processes. This involvement has been proven to increase quality and patient safety in the hospital.

Become part of the Patient Advisory Board

Your rights

We take your rights seriously and give you the opportunity to invoke them at any time. You should therefore know what you are entitled to during your stay in hospital. For example, you decide who may be informed about your illness.

Your treatment team is obliged to provide you with comprehensive and understandable information about your state of health, your illness and the expected course of treatment and the associated advantages and disadvantages. We would be pleased if you actively participate and ask questions.

Interventions or treatments may only be carried out with your consent. You yourself decide whether or not you wish to undergo an intervention, taking into account the circumstances and the doctor's recommendation. The only exceptions are situations that require immediate action, for example life-saving measures. In the event of unexpected cardiac arrest, resuscitation measures will always be initiated unless you have agreed otherwise in advance with the attending medical or nursing team. If you do not want resuscitation measures to be taken, you should talk to the doctor in charge. If you leave the hospital prematurely against medical advice or refuse treatment, you do so at your own risk.

A living will gives you the opportunity to state how you would like things to be done if you are no longer able to express yourself. For example, you can state that you do not want any resuscitation measures. In the living will, you should name a trusted person of your choice as your representative. You can obtain the form for the living will from our legal service or you can download it online from the Basel Living Will website. If you wish, you can receive support from our doctors and nurses with specific training, as well as from chaplains. If you already have a living will, it will help us if you let us know.

In the case of patients lacking capacity, the trusted person designated in the advance directive has the authority to make decisions. If no such person has been designated, any legal guardian, the spouse or registered partner, cohabiting partner, descendants, parents or siblings are authorized to represent the patient. These persons should seek a discussion with the medical profession in order to reach a decision that is based on the patient's presumed wishes.

All hospital staff are subject to a legal duty of confidentiality. All information you provide about yourself, your family or your illness will be treated confidentially by our staff. Only you yourself can release individual members of staff from this duty of confidentiality if required. This is subject to release on the basis of statutory provisions. We assume that you agree that we may provide your next of kin and the doctors treating you outside the hospital with the necessary medical information or that we may obtain such information if necessary. If you do not wish this, we will take this into account.

We do not accept sexual harassment. This applies throughout the hospital and equally to employees, patients, patients and visitors. However, if you have had a negative experience, please do not hesitate to contact the Legal Service.

Tel. +41 61 265 21 05

Ethics in hospitals deals with patients' wishes and treatment obligations, borderline situations and difficult decisions. At the University Hospital Basel, ethical issues should be addressed openly and as early as possible. If you find yourself in a difficult situation and would like support, the Ethics Advisory Board will take up your concerns. Please address your request for advice to the ward team or contact Clinical Ethics or a member of the Ethics Advisory Board.

You can find more information here.

A post-mortem examination in the event of your death will only be carried out if you or your next of kin give their consent during your lifetime. In special situations, mandatory legal reasons for a post-mortem remain reserved.

Tissue or organs will only be removed for transplantation if you or your next of kin give your consent. If you have an organ donor card, please bring it with you.

Medical research is also carried out at the University Hospital Basel. Both you and future patients benefit from this research. Research ranges from the evaluation of patient data or samples routinely collected in hospital to the implementation of clinical studies with new drugs. If routinely collected non-genetic patient data is used for research purposes, this data is encrypted. Encryption means that all details that allow conclusions to be drawn about your person, such as your name or date of birth, are replaced by a code (key). The key is stored securely in a separate location at the University Hospital Basel. People who do not know the key cannot identify you as a person. The protection of personal data is therefore guaranteed at all times.

It is possible that the encrypted data may be passed on to third parties for scientific analysis as part of research collaborations. If you do not agree to the scientific analysis of your data, please contact the doctor treating you.

Your express written consent is required for the use of routinely collected genetic data and blood or tissue samples. You will receive the consent form on admission to hospital. During your stay, you may also be asked to take part in a defined study, for example a drug study. You will only be included in such a study if you give your written consent after you have been personally informed about the content of the study by a person responsible for the study. All research projects must be reviewed and approved by the ethics committee.

For further information on the subject of research and patient data, please consult the website of the Department of Clinical Research:

If you are of the opinion that you have suffered damage with us for which the hospital is liable, please discuss this with your treatment team or contact our legal service.

Phone: +41 61 265 21 05

  • If necessary, you can also contact the Northwestern Switzerland Hospitals Ombudsman's Office on +41 61 269 80 58.

Our spiritual offers

Pastoral care

Pastoral care is available to all patients and staff. The professional service, provided by theologians with additional training, is commissioned by the two national churches and the canton.

How we accompany and support

We see pastoral care in the hospital as accompaniment along the way. Thoughts and feelings of various kinds move people in hospital. We are happy to take the time to help you express and organize your thoughts. Confidence and optimism can grow in a conversation. You can talk, pray and be silent with us .

It is fundamental for us to meet people with an attitude of openness and respect. That is why it is our concern to understand them in their illness situation, their life story, their thoughts and feelings, their culture and religion.

It is important to us to recognize their needs, to support them and to strengthen their autonomy. We are bound by confidentiality.

On-call service: Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 12pm on
+41 79 204 77 63

A chaplain is responsible for each department at the University Hospital Basel.

Visits, discussions, support

We seek out encounters and discussions with patients and their relatives.

As we are not regularly present on all wards, we ask patients who wish to do so to get in touch with us. This can be done via the nursing staff or directly.

We can be called in for discussions and to provide support in difficult situations. We are particularly interested in providing support when it comes to questions of meaning, identity or values. It is important to us to strengthen the autonomy of patients and, if necessary, to include the level of transcendence. of the dying and their relatives.

Religious and spiritual services

Questions and hopes can be taken up in a sacramental sign or in a ritual. We are happy to organize or arrange an appropriate celebration.

We listen, work with your wishes and dreams and pray for trust and strength, arrange for anointing of the sick and blessing of the sick and baptize in emergencies.

Every Sunday we invite you to an ecumenical service with organ music in the hospital chapel, which lasts a maximum of 45 minutes.

The service can be attended in hospital clothing (housecoat, pyjamas). On Saturday, you can register for the service by card at the hotel and indicate whether you would like to be picked up and accompanied to the service.

The chapel is located on the second floor of Clinic 2. It is open around the clock and invites you to linger in silence, for personal retreat and prayer. It is permitted to light candles in the stand provided.

The chapel is also open as a prayer room for other religions.

There are many believers of other religions and faith communities in the hospital. If you wish, we will also be happy to provide you with pastoral care.

If possible and necessary, we will put you in touch with your local Christian faith community.

The chapel/prayer room offers hospitality to all religions.



Pfrn. Gudrun Dehnert

Reformierte Seelsorgerin

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Carsten Gross

Katholischer Seelsorger

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Pfr. Adriaan Kerkhoven

Reformierter Seelsorger

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile

Marika Kussmann

Katholische Seelsorgerin

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Thomas Kyburz

Katholischer Seelsorger

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Pfr. Andreas Olbrich

Reformierter Seelsorger

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Dr. Kerstin Rödiger

Katholische Seelsorgerin

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Pfrn. Dr. Sari Wagner

Reformierte Seelsorgerin

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile


Pfr. Matthias Wetter

Reformierter Seelsorger

Spezialisierte Spiritual Care

Show profile

Do you want someone to pray for you?

At your request, 1-2 people from our team will be happy to come and pray for your physical relief and recovery. We can either come to your room or meet you at the hospital chapel. Our team consists of Christian, interdenominational members and offers prayer in various languages in a professional manner on request.

This service can be used by patients, relatives and hospital staff.

Registrations and questions are welcome via the contact form below or
Tel. +41 79 872 13 43

We look forward to hearing from you.


* Pflichtfeld