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The Directorate of Finance strives for good cooperation and open communication with all internal and external partners. It promotes the integration of medicine and business administration at the University Hospital Basel. The Finance Directorate sees itself as a comprehensive and professional financial service provider for the University Hospital Basel and carries out projects to develop services and increase efficiency.
Integration - Integrative thinking
We support the overall context of the University Hospital Basel and focus our thoughts and actions on integration.
Strategic thinking
We play a proactive role in strategic issues and in the orientation of the University Hospital Basel with our core competencies.
Market overview / market development
We operate in the healthcare market through targeted observation and relationship management as well as through the economic positioning of medical services.
Process thinking
We understand the processes of service provision and are committed to efficient medical and administrative processes and their interlinking.
Management support
We create transparency by procuring, processing and interpreting management-relevant data and offer time and level-appropriate decision-making support.
The management performs the management tasks within the framework of the hospital management's objectives. In particular, it ensures efficient and orderly financial processes throughout the hospital in technical, organizational and personnel terms.
The Directorate of Finance supports the efficient, customer-oriented operation and future-oriented development of the University Hospital Basel by providing and using business management methods, market knowledge and relationship management.
Management team

Emanuele Fiorentino
Leiter Data do Business / Leiter Finanzcontrolling
Finanzen, Direktion


Medical controlling
The Medical Controlling department brings together the medical and business perspectives of hospital treatment. It acts as a business consultant for the clinical areas on the one hand and as a medical consultant within the administrative departments on the other. With its three teams, the department is responsible for the entire process chain of medical documentation and its statistical and revenue-relevant coding and derives operational and strategic management information from the documentation.
Medical coding
Professional medical coding at the USB translates the primary medical documentation of patient examinations, diagnoses, treatments and therapies into structured information according to ICD-10 (International classification of diseases, 10th revision, German Modification) and CHOP (Swiss surgical classification). These are used for epidemiological purposes (Federal Statistical Office), for studies and research, for inpatient billing in accordance with SwissDRG and for cantonal and national hospital planning (e.g. highly specialized medicine). The medical coding team also answers DRG-related payer queries in referral management and is actively involved in the further development of classifications and regulations as well as the DRG tariff system.
Medical and business consulting
As part of the medical controlling department, the medical-business consulting team is a multi-professional team of doctors and business experts. It acts as a business consultant for the medical departments and clinics and supports the administration with medical issues. The employees provide training on tariff and billing systems, carry out order analyses, create business cases and provide support in project management and leadership.
Medical Documentation Service Center
In the Medical Documentation Service Center, the digitally transmitted medical documentation and the paper-based documentation come together and are fed into the digital patient archive, which guarantees the legal and auditing security criteria that are important for the University Hospital Basel.
The team at the Medical Documentation Service Center is the point of contact for questions about finding documents and ensuring the flow of information. The management and further development of the binding hospital-wide classification (main and sub-document types in the digital patient archive) of medical histories is one of its tasks. Operational requirements are taken into account and coordinated with business partners.
The requirements of the Business Records Ordinance (GeBüV) - technical implementation and compliance with legal requirements - have been implemented and are regularly reviewed.
Completed studies are archived and stored. Access is controlled in accordance with the study entry.
Request for medical documents
Are you a patient and would like individual reports or findings? As a referring physician, hospital, retirement and nursing home or other healthcare institution, do you need further documents or information on your patients? Then the team at the Medical Documentation Service Center is at your disposal. If reports need to be requested from the clinics, the team will take care of further communication with the relevant clinic.
- For patients: Please send your requests in writing and with a copy of an official ID to the postal address or by e-mail. Due to data protection regulations, the information will be sent by post.
Legal basis:
- Business Records Ordinance (GeBüV)
- Basel-Stadt Health Act
- Data protection provisions of the IDG Basel-Stadt
Contact us
- Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7.45-12.15, 14-17 (Sat, Sun and public holidays: closed)
- Tel. +41 61 328 52 28
- Fax: +41 61 265 48 98
- Mail:
(Processing Monday - Friday, 07.45-17 h)
Postal address:
University Hospital Basel
SC Medical Documentation
P.O. Box
4031 Basel
We in the Data-to-Business team develop modern and data-based management tools for departments and decision-makers at the University Hospital Basel. Our core competence is to model precise and meaningful management information from the numerous data streams flowing through the university hospital and to make this available to our clients in the desired form (e.g. as an interactive dashboard or regularly sent email reports).
Our team includes a wide variety of business intelligence specialists who know how to work with our in-house software environment (including SAP HANA, QlikView and QlikSense) and can also come up with high-performance in-house developments.
Interactive collaboration with our clients is key for us. This is the only way we can develop user-friendly products in an environment with changing corporate structures and
changing business processes, we can offer user-friendly products that will be of great benefit to the company in the long term.
Financial controlling
Sensible planning, supporting analyses and meaningful evaluations can only be provided if the tasks on the front line are understood. Accordingly, a close exchange with departments, divisions, clinics and departments is important to us.
Our activities are aimed at enabling fact-based and future-oriented corporate management. We are responsible for cost and performance accounting and develop it further, we manage the budget process and prepare standard reports with recommendations for action.

Emanuele Fiorentino
Leiter Data do Business / Leiter Finanzcontrolling
Finanzen, Direktion
Finance and accounting
The Finance and Accounting department is responsible for financial reporting.
To this end, it ensures proper accounting in accordance with the legal basis for the healthcare system (KVG, VKL, Financial Budget Act of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, etc.) and accounting in accordance with recognized standards. From 2012, the accounts will be prepared in accordance with the Swiss GAAP FER standard. An appropriate and effective hospital-wide internal control system complies with the auditing guidelines of the Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors.
In addition, the finance and accounting department ensures the liquidity of the University Hospital Basel as well as the bookkeeping and fiduciary management of research and third-party funds and charitable bequests.

Financial accounting
All ordinary business transactions of the University Hospital Basel are recorded and mapped in the financial accounting system. The correct reporting of assets and liabilities as well as the financial success of the company forms the basis of regular accounting at the University Hospital Basel.
General ledger - suppliers and services to contractual partners
The University Hospital Basel offers various services to contracting parties. The invoices are issued by us on a service-related basis in accordance with the agreed conditions. The service provider will be happy to answer any questions regarding invoicing.
We process the invoices submitted by the suppliers in the best possible way in accordance with the agreed payment conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Accounts receivable/collection
Accounts receivable accounting ensures that incoming payments are correctly offset against our receivables. Outstanding amounts are monitored and overdue reminders are sent. If necessary, repayment agreements are agreed or ordinary debt collection proceedings are initiated.
The debt collection department is responsible for the dunning process for invoices outstanding beyond the payment deadline. Customer-oriented solutions are sought and found in cooperation with the patients and, if necessary, with the involvement of the social authorities or a debt counseling service. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your overdue invoice or your debt collection procedure.
Research, third-party funding and funds
The active administration and proper accounting of research funds/projects and earmarked or charitable legacies/donations is one of the main tasks of this specialist unit.
Your participation
You can actively participate in teaching and research or charitable legacies.
Ms. Patricia Zeiser will be happy to provide you with further information.
Detailed information on types of research
EU projects
- 8th EU Framework Program for Research (with a duration of 7 years: 2014-2020)
EU-Research Basel:
Horizon-2020: Projects in cooperation with the University of Basel
- Information from the Swiss representatives on European research programs:
EURESEARCH - Information on EU projects and FP7 and Horizon 2020 on the partner sites of:
Yield management
We make a substantial contribution to the USB's financial income and are the point of contact for the following topics:
- standardized and automated technical applications for service recording, including interface processes up to the SAP-ISH billing system (service recording).
- the correct, complete and timely recording of services in accordance with tariffs (tariff and service management).
- Complete and correct invoicing of outpatient and inpatient services provided to all payers (in accordance with the applicable statutory or contractually agreed tariffs or prices. Ensuring efficient and traceable triage, registration and processing of all internal and external inquiries and invoice rejections (invoice management)
- Tariff negotiations with tariff partners; tariff structure renewals; tariff interpretations; helping to shape the USB's pricing and tariff policy (tariffs & contracts).

Tariffs and contracts
The main task of Tariffs and Contracts is to guarantee tariffs that at least cover costs with our financiers as a substantial contribution to the financial income of the University Hospital Basel.
Externally, Tariffs and Contracts represents the University Hospital Basel in the negotiation of tariff contracts and agreements and coordinates and monitors the tariff models. It plays an active role in shaping the pricing and tariff policy of the University Hospital Basel.
Valid from January 1, 2024
Billing management
We see ourselves as a service center for internal and external customers, offering support in all matters relating to tariff and insurance expertise, legal principles and systems technology.
Our task and responsibility is to continuously optimize processes so that all medical and hospital services provided can be invoiced without errors. The constant exchange of information and knowledge with all involved parties supports and promotes professional competence in all areas.
Tariff and benefit management
The "Tariff and Service Management" department bears a high degree of responsibility for the correct, complete and timely recording of services in accordance with tariffs. The entire team performs an administrative support function for the medical and administrative staff and thus contributes to safeguarding income.
The assignment of the departments and the associated clinics is clearly defined. The "Tariff and Service Management" team is therefore available as a competent contact for operational tariff and service issues in the clinical areas of the departments.
Performance recording
The "Service Recording" department deals with all technical requirements relating to service recording.
We are the point of contact for standardizing and automating the service recording landscape at a technical level and are responsible for providing specialist support for the IBI-care and ServiceManager applications. We also reduce financial risks through transparent, monitored and automated interface processes from the service recording systems to SAP IS-H.
Patient management
The term patient management covers all administrative processes and tasks at the University Hospital Basel - from registration and admission to outpatient or inpatient stays.
We see it as our mission to guarantee our patients an exemplary and customer-friendly reception and exemplary administrative care. Our aim is therefore to make the admission procedure as pleasant as possible, both in an elective context and via the emergency center. We support our decentralized admissions offices from a professional and technical point of view and with various services.
Reception and recording
The Reception and Admissions Department at the University Hospital Basel consists of the inpatient admissions department, the administrative emergency admissions department and the information and reception desks.
Our task is to ensure correct and complete administrative patient admission, an important part of which is to clarify the costs of a hospital stay. Of course, a customer-friendly reception is also part of our daily routine.
We see ourselves as competent contact partners for questions, advice and support for our internal and external customers.
Do you have questions about your bill?
We will be happy to help you.

Contact us
Please feel free to contact us by phone or via the contact form.
Mon-Fri: 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Phone +41 61 328 67 93
We will respond to your inquiry within 48 hours. Please also note our specific contact details for the specialist areas, which you can also use if you have any questions.
Contact to the specialist areas
Here you will find an overview of all contact details by specialist area.
Admission department
Reception and admission |
Françoise Bonato |
Inpatient admission Clinic 1 Spitalstrasse 21 |
Phone +41 61 265 70 16 |
Mon-Fri 8.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 |
Inpatient admission Clinic 2 Petersgraben 4 |
Phone +41 61 265 44 93 |
Mon-Fri 8.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 Yours |
Cost assurance - Cost approval |
Doris Chirico Graziella Avellina Cost protection - eKoGu Cost approval Tel. +41 61 556 57 80 - Service line Fax +41 61 265 22 11 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 |
Accounts receivable/collection
Accounts receivable/collection | Jonas Richner Head of Accounts Receivable/Collection Phone +41 61 556 55 17 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Payment / Repayment | Specialist office Phone +41 61 556 56 00 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Partial payment Ongoing debt collection proceedings Risk information Repurchase of loss certificates |
Your name: A- K Mr. D. Leuenberger Phone +41 61 328 75 85 Your name: L-Q Ms. M. Pentimone Tel. +41 61 328 78 57 Your name: R-Z Mr. A. Scerna Phone +41 61 265 55 13 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Our invoice Service provider |
Biller with telephone number see -> letterhead of the invoice |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Specialist area patient invoices
Patient invoices (outpatient) |
Outpatient billing: (incl. outpatient/day clinic stay) Nadin Meier Support Center Billing - Team leader outpatient billing Phone +41 61 556 57 79 41 61 265 76 00 - Service line |
Mon-Fri 08.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 |
Patient invoices (inpatient) |
Inpatient billing: Ulrike Mutter Support Center Billing Team leader inpatient billing Tel. +41 61 556 57 81 41 61 556 52 52 - Service line |
Mon-Fri 08.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 |
Patient invoices: Questions about individual services |
Specialist department with telephone number see -> box on the last page of the invoice or -> Letterhead of the invoice |
Mon-Fri 08.30-12.00 13.30-16.30 |
Financial accounting / payment transactions / bank details
Financial accounting | Dominik Löw Manager Financial Accounting Phone +41 61 556 59 79 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
General Ledger Accounting - Accounts Payable
General Ledger Accounting | Ettienne Barriopedro Head of Accounts Payable Phone +41 61 55 65290 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Third-party resources and funds
Third-party resources and funds | Dr. Fabienne Iten Research, third-party resources and funds Phone +41 61 26 52573 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Specialist area Holding companies
Financial accounting | Pascal Saner Head of Corporate Finance Phone +41 61 328 50 72 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Specialist area SwissDRG - Medical controlling - Medical coding - Medical statistics
Medical and financial controlling |
Dr. med. Julian Geisshardt Head of Medical and Financial Controlling Phone +41 61 328 46 96 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Medical and Financial Controlling - Analysis Data - MIS
Reporting and Analysis | Alexander Scholz Head of Controlling and Planning Phone +41 61 328 76 19 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
TARMED service catalog and tariffs
Recording of services | Brit Freitag Tariff management department TARMED tariffs Phone +41 61 328 55 03 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |
Tariffs and contracts department
Tariffs and contracts | Rosemarie Noesberger Head of Tariffs and Contracts Tel. +41 61 265 38 77 |
Mon-Fri 08.30-11.30 a.m. 14.00-16.30 |