Thoracic surgery
University Hospital Basel
Spitalstrasse 21
Phone +41 61 265 72 18
Thoracic surgery emergencies
Thoracic surgical emergencies are admitted and treated competently 24 hours a day via the interdisciplinary emergency ward (tel. +41 61 265 25 25).
On weekdays, the duty doctor can be contacted directly during the day on +41 61 556 52 80.
Thoracic surgery consultation
Entrance: Spitalstrasse 21
Clinic 1, 1st floor
Surgical private consultation
Prof. D. Lardinois
Secretariat Thoracic Surgery
Phone +41 61 265 71 69
It is possible to obtain a specialist opinion on thoracic surgery problems at any time. Please send text and pictures to:

Interdisciplinary Thorax Case Presentation (ITF)/Lung Treatment Center
Every Tuesday 5.00 to 6.00 p.m.
Petersgraben 4
Clinic 2, Level 01
Demonstration room 1
Registration at
Phone +41 61 265 44 22
Fax +41 61 265 44 88
Doctors and specialists