Spine Center

University Hospital Basel
Spine Center
Spitalstrasse 21
4031 Basel

Phone +41 61 556 55 47


Mon-Fri: 08.00-12.00 /13.00-17.00

Please enclose all previous findings and imaging.

Checklist: The more comprehensive the information on previous investigations, imaging or treatments, the better we can assign your patient to an appropriate investigation and treatment pathway.

In principle, all patients with a spinal problem can be referred. We will carry out a triage and assign the patient to the most suitable assessment and treatment pathway.

Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or suspected emergency, we ask you to refer patients directly to our interdisciplinary emergency ward.

Children and adolescents (up to the age of 18): Are treated by spine experts at the University Children's Hospital Basel in the Orthopaedics Clinic at UKBB .

Medical management


Prof. Stefan Schären

Ärztlicher Departementsleiter, Departement Kopforgane, Wirbelsäulen- und Neuromedizin

Chefarzt Spinale Chirurgie

Show profile


PD Dr. Cordula Netzer

Leitende Ärztin Spinale Chirurgie

Leiterin Wirbelsäulenzentrum

Show profile