Junior assistants and clinical traineeships in anesthesiology
The Department of Anesthesiology simultaneously offers four positions for sub-assistants per month in anesthesiology and a maximum of two positions in parallel in the specialties of emergency medicine and pain clinic.
- Anesthesiology (4 positions): 2 or 3 months (starting on the 1st of the month and ending on the last day of the month)
- Emergency medicine: One month of emergency medicine can be completed after 2 months of anesthesia. A maximum of one sub-assistant per month can be assigned to the emergency rotation.
- Pain clinic: Following at least 2 months of anesthesia, 2 - 4 weeks can be completed at the pain clinic (acute and chronic pain). A maximum of one sub-assistant per month at the pain clinic
The junior assistants are assigned to a senior doctor or a senior assistant as a tutor and report to an experienced member of staff who is named in the surgical program and is responsible for all work. The junior assistants actively participate in the daily work of the clinic in monthly rotations in some specialist areas of anesthesia (ENT, orthopedics, gynecology/obstetrics and emergency medicine). This includes activities in the department, the surgical wards and in the operating theater, daily participation in reports and training events.
- You will work full-time
- Pre-examine and evaluate patients and make suggestions for anesthesia management
- become familiar with anesthesia and the associated techniques and monitoring methods of various kinds.
These include:
- Independently taking the patient's medical history and performing the preliminary examination
- Correctly assessing status and local status
- Planning the clarifications
- Recognizing pre-existing risks and incorporating them into the surgical treatment plan
- Dealing with sedated and anesthetized patients
- Learning simple anesthesia techniques to maintain vital functions
- Performing simple anesthesia.
This includes
- Monitoring ECG, oxygen saturation, blood pressure
- Doses of common anesthetics
- Insertion of peripheral venous cannulas
- Mask ventilation
- Insertion of a laryngeal mask
- Endotracheal intubation
- Application of spinal anesthesia
- Reading and preparing the anesthesia protocol
- Discovering an interest in and inclination towards the specialist fields of anesthesia, emergency medicine and intensive care medicine
- Learning about postoperative acute pain therapy after simple operations
Pain clinic (acute and chronic pain)
If desired after at least one month of anesthesia, a rotation of 2-4 weeks is possible.
Emergency medicine
Only after 2 months as a sub-assistant in anesthesia. If you are employed for 3 months, after two months of anesthesia in the OR, you may be assigned to emergency medicine within the Department of Anesthesiology for one month. This includes a one-week internship with the Basel professional ambulance service, followed by accompanying the emergency physician for ground-based emergency medical interventions with the Basel ambulance service, as well as working in the emergency ward and accompanying our in-house resuscitation service.
Available places, rotations and program duration
- There is an annual quota of vacancies.
- Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Program duration
- Two to three months, from the first day of the first month to the last day of the last month.
- When applying, please be sure to state the program duration and discipline(s) and whether you are interested in emergency medicine or pain therapy, otherwise we cannot guarantee a placement.
The Department of Anesthesiology does not offer clinical traineeships.
Send your complete application with
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form
- Personal details (ID)
- career
- Details of all - including planned - clinical traineeships
- Topic of doctoral thesis
- photo
- Certificate of enrollment
- Physics certificate
for a junior assistant position please use the application tool