As a university neurological reference center in northwestern Switzerland, we care for patients with diseases across the entire neurological spectrum. As part of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel, we train students in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in human medicine. We conduct internationally competitive translational and clinical research as well as basic research with our own working groups in the Departments of Biomedicine (DBM), Clinical Research (DKF) and Biomedical Engineering (DBE).
Outpatient neurology
The Neurological Outpatient Clinic is a referral and consultation clinic for general practitioners and specialists in private practice as well as for patients with unclear neurological diseases or with a specific question. Patients are also referred from other specialist departments and hospitals. In order to offer the best possible diagnostics, advice and treatment, our outpatient clinic is divided into specialist outpatient clinics and special consultation hours, which benefit from the high level of expertise of specialized specialists.
Contact Neurological Polyclinic
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
In neuroimmunology, we advise and treat people with multiple sclerosis and other neuroimmunological diseases on a long-term basis and in accordance with the latest state of knowledge. An interdisciplinary team of specialized doctors, nurses, therapy support, physiotherapists and neuropsychologists work closely with general practitioners and specialists. We are a national and international reference center for conducting diagnostic and therapeutic studies on multiple sclerosis.
Together with the Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel, we develop methods for the precise characterization and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases. We use the results of our research to offer our patients an optimal, individualized therapeutic approach with advanced, specialized examinations (biomarkers, advanced imaging, immunological characterization).
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
Special consultation for autoimmune encephalitis
- Prof. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel
Head physician
- Prof. Stephan Rüegg
Senior physician
MS and other neuroimmunological diseases
- Prof. Jens Kuhle
Head physician
- Prof. Tobias Derfuss
Senior physician
- Prof. Cristina Granziera
Senior physician
- Prof. Anne-Katrin Pröbstel
Head physician
Neuromuscular diseases incl. electroneuromyography
At the National Neuromuscular Reference Center, we care for patients with neuromuscular diseases including myopathies, neuropathies, neuromuscular dysfunction, motor neuron diseases and myelon diseases in an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team of specialists (neurology, neurophysiology, pneumology, cardiology, rheumatology, ENT, radiology, genomics, speech pathology, histopathology).professional team of specialists (neurology, neurophysiology, pneumology, cardiology, rheumatology, ENT, radiology, genetics, histopathology, speech therapy, nutritional counseling, physiotherapy and rehabilitation). We carry out neurophysiological examinations using electroneuromyography and evoked potentials as well as nerve ultrasound and minimally invasive needle muscle biopsies.
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
Epilepsy and neurological sleep medicine
This department offers comprehensive diagnostic clarification and treatment of epilepsies and neurological seizures as well as neurological disorders that manifest themselves during sleep. We also support the monitoring ward and intensive care units in the care of patients with complex clinical pictures.
In collaboration with the University Children's Hospital Basel, we offer a transition consultation for adolescents with epilepsy. The therapies used include medication, vagus nerve stimulation and nutritional therapy (ketogenic diet). We also carry out assessments for epilepsy surgery treatments.
Phone: +41 61 265 41 66
Stroke outpatient including neurovascular consultation
In the neurovascular consultation, we examine and treat patients with neurovascular diseases. In this specialized consultation, we use ultrasound to assess the vessels supplying the brain. To provide optimal care for our patients, we work closely with other specialist disciplines at the Stroke Center, including cardiology, neuroradiology, neurosurgery and vascular surgery.
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Dizziness, balance and eye movement disorders
In this specialized interdisciplinary consultation, we diagnose and treat patients with dizziness, disorders of the vestibular system and eye movement disorders. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out in close collaboration with the ENT, Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Psychosomatics and the Department of Physiotherapy at the University Hospital Basel. There is also scientific cooperation with the Department of Neuro-Otology at Imperial College London (UK).
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
Dr. Heiko M. Rust
Leiter der Abteilung für Vestibuläre Neurologie
Stv. Leiter Universitäres Zentrum für Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsstörungen
Behavioral neurology
The special consultation hour for behavioral neurology serves to clarify and care for patients with clinically prominent cognitive disorders.
We work closely with the Neuropsychology Service of the USB and the Memory Clinic in the University Geriatric Medicine Department of Felix Platter Hospital Basel <LINK FPS>
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
Consultation hours for pain/headaches
In the special consultation hour for pain and headaches, we offer diagnostic clarification, multimodal therapy concepts and therapy support for patients with headache disorders and nerve pain.
We offer a holistic care concept through our networking with colleagues in private practice, pain therapy, psychosomatics and neuroradiology at the USB.
Tel. +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
PD Dr. Athina Papadopoulou
DKF / Departement Klinische Forschung
Consultation hours for movement disorders
In our special consultation for movement disorders, we carry out comprehensive assessments of patients with movement disorders. In addition to clinical characterization, diagnostics include electrophysiological, imaging, nuclear medicine procedures, neuropsychological and genetic methods. In addition to medication, we also offer botulinum toxin treatment for dystonia. In addition, we evaluate the indication for surgical treatment using deep brain stimulation on an interdisciplinary basis.
Phone +41 61 265 41 51
Fax +41 61 265 41 00
Management a.i.
Inpatient neurology
The entire spectrum of acute and chronic diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles is assessed and treated on our neurological ward. An interdisciplinary and interprofessional team of doctors, nurses, therapists, case managers and administrative staff provide our patients with comprehensive care to the highest quality standards and offer a differentiated treatment concept tailored to the patient's needs. Close cooperation with our specialist outpatient clinics, the rehabilitation clinics and with neurologists and general practitioners in private practice ensures optimal follow-up care for our patients.
Emergency team
The neurology emergency team is responsible for the assessment and treatment of patients with neurological disorders or suspected acute neurological disorders in the emergency center. The aim is to provide rapid, professional acute treatment and triage.
Care is guaranteed 24 hours a day. The neurology emergency team is integrated into the interdisciplinary treatment team of the emergency ward. There is close cooperation with diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology.
Patients with sudden neurological symptoms should contact the emergency services on 144
Telephone assistant doctor emergency team: +41 61 55 65 700
Acute bed ward
The entire spectrum of acute and chronic diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles is assessed and treated on our neurological ward. An interdisciplinary and interprofessional team of doctors, nurses, therapists, case managers and administrative staff provide our patients with comprehensive care to the highest quality standards and offer a differentiated treatment concept tailored to the patient's needs. Close cooperation with our specialist outpatient clinics, rehabilitation clinics and with neurologists and GPs in private practice ensures optimal follow-up care for our patients.
Telephone +41 61 328 64 41 (nursing)
Care management
Stroke Unit
In our certified stroke unit, stroke patients are cared for around the clock during the critical acute and post-acute phase by a highly specialized, competent and empathetic team.
Phone Stroke Unit Assistant Doctor +41 61 55 65771
Head of Nursing a.i.
Consultation team
Patients with neurological diseases are not only hospitalized on neurological wards. They often have various illnesses at the same time. The Neurological Consultation Service is responsible for the care of patients with neurological symptoms who are not hospitalized on a neurological ward. Most of these patients are hospitalized on the medical wards, the interdisciplinary monitoring ward and the intensive care unit.
We also advise external general practitioners and specialists as well as other hospitals that do not have a neurology consultation service.
Consultant assistant +41 61 328 77 70
Consultation background +41 61 265 25 25 (via head office)