Sub-assistants in neurology


As a sub-assistant in the Neurology Clinic and Polyclinic, you will deepen and expand the knowledge you have acquired in neurology during your studies and learn to take on responsibility according to your level of training. Although the focus in this stage of your studies is on practical work, you should allow sufficient time to revise what you have learned. This is achieved by participating in the clinic's regular further training events and studying current textbooks and reviews or searching the literature based on clinical questions.

Aufgaben und Lernziele

As a sub-assistant in the Neurology Clinic and Polyclinic, you will deepen and expand the knowledge you have acquired in neurology during your studies and learn to take on responsibility according to your level of training. Although the focus in this stage of your studies is on practical work, you should allow sufficient time to revise what you have learned. This is achieved by participating in the clinic's regular further training events and studying current textbooks and reviews or searching the literature based on clinical questions.

Ifyou stay with us for only one month, you will be assigned either mainly to the department or to the neurological outpatient clinic (depending on your needs and wishes). In addition, you should then spend at least half a day each in the EMNG laboratory, the EEG laboratory/ICU, the neurovascular ultrasound and one day on the consultation service.

Ifyou stay for 2 or more months, you can spend some time in the department as well as in the neurology outpatient clinic. Polyclinic (also as required and desired). In addition, you should then have the opportunity to visit the EMNG laboratory for at least 1 day, the EEG laboratory/ICU for 1 day, neurovascular ultrasound for 1 day and accompany/support the consultation service for 2 days. Other assignments may take place depending on the needs and capacity of the clinic.

Ifyou stay with us for only one month, you will be assigned either mainly to the department or to the neurological outpatient clinic (depending on your needs and wishes). In addition, you should then spend at least half a day each in the EMNG laboratory, the EEG laboratory/ICU, the neurovascular ultrasound and one day on the consultation service.

Ifyou stay for 2 or more months, you can spend some time in the department as well as in the neurology outpatient clinic. Polyclinic (also as required and desired). In addition, you should then have the opportunity to visit the EMNG laboratory for at least 1 day, the EEG laboratory/ICU for 1 day, neurovascular ultrasound for 1 day and accompany/support the consultation service for 2 days. Other assignments may take place depending on the needs and capacity of the clinic.

Application modalities

Send your complete application with

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Previous examination results

for a junior assistant position by e-mail to the Neurology Office.

Send your complete application with

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Previous examination results

for a junior assistant position by e-mail to the Neurology Office.