Approach & Contact
University Hospital Basel Vertigo Center Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic and Neurology Clinic Petersgraben 4 4031 Basel |
By streetcar
Take streetcar line 11 to the University Hospital station and then walk along Spitalstrasse for about 80 meters to the entrance. |
By car
Please use the parking garage City, entrance Steinengraben or Johanniterbrücke. |
Contact us
The Vertigo Center can be reached by telephone every day except Tuesdays from 10.00-12.00 on 061 328 47 78. |
Referral to the Center for Dizziness and Balance Disorders is made via a referral letter from your family doctor or treating physician to:
Dizziness is a very common symptom. An emergency assessment should be carried out if the dizziness has started acutely. Acute onset of an accompanying unsteadiness of stance or gait, visual disturbances, headaches or signs of paralysis, temporary unconsciousness and observed confusion also require rapid clarification. Dizziness that has occurred after an accident should also be assessed by a doctor without delay.
Our team

PD Dr. Thilo Burkard
Stv. Chefarzt
Medizinische Poliklinik
Kaderarzt Kardiologie, Universitäres Herzzentrum Basel

Prof. Beatrice Mosimann
Co-Leiterin Frauenklinik
Chefärztin Geburtshilfe und Pränatalmedizin

Christine Spänhauer
Leitung Therapiebereich Bewegungsapparat
Teamleiterin Physiotherapie Chirurgie
Therapien, Universitäres Zentrum für Schwindel und Gleichgewichtsstörungen

Prof. Daniel Staub
Ärztlicher Departementsleiter, Departement Kreislauf, Thorax und Transplantation

Prof. Christoph J. Zech
Leitung interventionelle Radiologie
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Leitung Angiografie, Qualität und Sicherheit
Tel. +41 61 328 63 44