Dermatology covers all skin, venereal and immune diseases and allergies. We are available during the day and around the clock at www.hautproblem.ch. Your concerns will be competently assessed by our doctors with experience and state-of-the-art technology. We offer you possible treatments, provide you with information and help you to restore your health as quickly as possible.
Dermatological diseases
Acne inversa / Hidradenitis suppurativa
What kind of disease is this?
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory disease of the large flexural folds. It is a hidden epidemic, affecting around one percent of the population. However, this has not been known for a long time as the disease is very shameful. Even at the dermatologist, some patients are afraid to talk about the disease. We would like to help you if you are affected by abscesses and lumps in the flexural folds, because we know that this can have a very negative impact on your life.
The condition is caused by various factors. One of the most important is that the excretory ducts of the hair follicles in the flexural folds become blocked. This leads to a build-up of secretions, which are then infected by bacteria. The chronic inflammation then leads to scarring over time, which unfortunately can very often result in larger scar plates. If the disease is recognized early, it can be treated and suppressed well, otherwise major operations are often necessary. There are two important risk factors for acne inversa: smoking and obesity. Of course, we do not blame our patients for their disease because of harmful habits, but we will always address these issues carefully during consultations and offer help with both smoking cessation and weight loss. However, the disease also occurs in non-smokers of normal weight! We can also offer them maximum therapy.
Types of the disease
If you have recurring lumps in the armpits, groin, genital and gluteal folds, behind the ears or under the breasts, then there is a very good chance that you are suffering from acne inversa. In this case, it is worth having a consultation with us or via teledermatology at hautproblem.ch.
- Precise documentation of the developmental history of the individual patient
- Detailed clinical examination
- Imaging by means of whole-body photography
- Microbiological examinations
- Fine tissue examination
- Ultrasound for deeper scar plates
- Measurement of fistula tracts to exclude involvement of internal organs
- Safety clarifications before treatment using biological medication
Treatment options
- Advice on the appropriate choice of loose, non-chafing and heat-accumulating clothing
- External treatment with disinfectant washing solutions and external antibiotics
- Antibiotics in tablet form
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Biological medication for more severe forms of acne inversa
- Interdisciplinary assessment with plastic surgeons and offer of surgical treatment
Definition of
Four out of five Swiss men and women suffer from acne during puberty. But older people can also be affected. It is the most common inflammatory skin disease. Although it is usually harmless and does not affect the rest of the body, there are many cases where it persists into middle age. Unfortunately, these persistent forms particularly affect women, who are often severely impaired by them.
Acne can be treated very well if it is correctly recognized and classified. Although acne can be passed down in the family, there are many ways in which patients can positively influence their acne. Diet is an important factor, in particular an excess of dairy products, especially skimmed milk, but also foods with quickly available sugar content such as white bread and smoking are things that can be influenced. Strongly covering make-up products are also unfavorable for acne. Acne in women can also be positively influenced by an adapted monthly contraceptive pill.
If you have blackheads, pus-filled pimples and/or scars on your face, then it is worth having a consultation with us - or via teledermatology at hautproblem.ch.
We can look at all of this together with you during the consultation and thus create certainty and the best possible result for you. It is important to rule out other acne-like conditions first - then you can start a treatment tailored to your needs.
Types of acne
- Acne in infants and small children
- Acne in children during puberty with oily, shiny skin, blackheads (comedones) with a white or black center, pimples, inflammatory papules or nodules
- Acne during puberty (most common form)
- Acne in women, often associated with the menstrual cycle
- Acne in women with hormonal disorders (PCOS, increased hairiness)
- Acne with very severe scratching of the skin and pigment changes (so-called acne excoriée des jeunes filles)
- Acne in strength training athletes
- Acne in the context of cancer treatment
- Acne in the large folds of the body
- Acne/abscesses in the upper fold of the buttocks
- Acne associated with medication or cosmetics
- Acne of the scalp
What clarifications do we carry out?
- Recording the exact history and occurrence of acne in the family
- Examination of diet, lifestyle and acne-promoting habits such as smoking
- Microscopic clinical examination and histological clarification
- Measurement of bacteria in the acne lesions
- Hormone diagnostics for women
- Interdisciplinary cooperation with other disciplines for the best possible treatment of acne
- Advice on correct facial care and reduction of the thickened and oily surface using peelings and washing solutions
- External therapies with and without antibiotics, germ-reducing measures
- Antibiotics in tablet form
- Vitamin A-like preparations such as isotretinoin (only if pregnancy is ruled out and avoided)
- In collaboration with gynecologists, hormone therapy for women as part of contraception
- Nutritional advice
- Surgical treatment for acne of the flexural folds and treatment with biological medication
Self-paying services
- Fluorescent light treatment (Kleresca®)
- Acne toilette with removal of black and whiteheads (currently offered free of charge)
- Facial and body peelings using solutions and lasers
- Correction of scars using peelings, lasers, fractional measures, microneedles, fillers and filling of dimples using microsurgery
Autoimmune diseases of the skin
What is that?
Autoimmune skin diseases are rare but important. They often affect not only the skin but also internal organs, which is why it is all the more important that they are correctly recognized and treated. They are caused by the immune system, the direction of the defense targets structures of the body such as the skin cells themselves or other structures. This can lead to inflammation, blisters, scarring, redness, nail changes, hair loss, etc. The mucous membrane can also be affected.
In our consultations for autoimmunity, we look at the whole body, the function of the internal organs and markers for autoimmunity, and can therefore offer you maximum certainty regarding these diseases. These diseases are becoming increasingly common in women in particular and can severely impair quality of life, even if no organs are damaged in the narrower sense.
Types of autoimmune diseases of the skin
- Lupus erythematosus of the skin:
- Strictly cutaneous form
Mixed form
Systemic form with involvement of the body
- Dermatomyositis: With involvement of the skin and muscles
- Systemic sclerosis: thickening of the connective tissue with loss of skin and fingers that often turn white in the initial stage
- Vascular inflammation
- Blistering diseases
- Graft-versus-host (rejection reactions)
- Unclear, mixed autoimmune syndromes
- A precise history of the disease is taken in order to classify the symptoms correctly. We also look at other organ systems such as joints etc.
- Detailed examination of the skin, especially the face, scalp, mucous membranes and nails
- Laboratory tests with autoimmunity markers
- At the University Hospital Basel, we also offer the characterization of immune cells in the true sense of the word in collaboration with Prof. Recher (Immunology)
- Image documentation (whole body photography)
- Further clarifications, personalized as required
Treatment options
- External immunosuppressive preparations or cortisone preparations
- Light therapy (UVA, UVB, with and without psoralen)
- Systemic medication (immunosuppressive small molecules, biological medication)
What is that?
Eczema of the skin is an inflammation caused by irritants. These can come from the environment, but can also be allergic in nature or hereditary. Eczema produces red, itchy and weeping skin or, in the chronic stage, scaly, cracked skin and can quickly become chronic. At this stage in particular, they are difficult to treat, which is why it is worth clarifying eczema quickly. It is often not easy to classify the cause, which is why thorough investigations are needed to identify the causes and triggering factors. We carry out a personalized clarification of the risk factors for each patient and test generously for causative allergens so as not to miss any avoidable causes. In the case of eczema, it is often the case that if it is triggered by an allergic substance, it disappears completely by avoiding this substance. We also offer an interdisciplinary assessment of eczema, as it can also be associated with asthma and other allergic manifestations on the body.
Types of eczema
- Contact eczema: due to irritation, allergic reaction, chronic stress, occupational activity
- Neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis)
- Drug reactions
- Light-related diseases
- Mucosal eczema
- A detailed history is taken and the risk factors and triggers are identified
- Swabs to exclude infectious pathogens
- Laboratory tests such as IgE, tryptase and specific reactivity of the immune system
- Prick test to evaluate the immediate type allergy
- Epicutaneous test to evaluate late-type allergy
- Oral and subcutaneous provocation test
- Fine tissue examination
- Photo documentation
Treatment options
- Skin care with lipid replenishment
- Skin protection for eczema caused by fragile skin
- External therapy options such as cortisone-free preparations, preparations containing cortisone
- Light therapy (UVA, UVB, with and without psoralen)
- Systemic medication in tablet or injection form
Genetic diseases of the skin
What is it about?
Changes in the genetic material can trigger skin diseases, which sometimes manifest themselves at birth, but in other cases only in later adolescence or old age. These can be found on the skin, but can also affect other organs. Because characteristic features of these diseases are particularly visible on the skin, the dermatologist is often the first port of call to recognize and correctly classify the disease. As it is important for both the patient and their family to know the causes of the disease, we do our utmost to clarify and ensure that our patients receive the correct information. We work very closely with medical genetics and all other disciplines on an interdisciplinary basis.
Types of genetic diseases of the skin
Genetic skin diseases include the following types:
- Ichthyosis
- Keratoderma on hands and feet
- Bullous (blistering) diseases (epidermolysis bullosa)
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Neurofibromatosis
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Overgrowth syndromes
- An accurate history is the most important factor in classifying these diseases
- Clinical examination of the entire body, in particular hair, nails, dental status and other localizations
- Laboratory tests
- Genetic testing, both targeted and the entire protein-coding DNA sections
- Fine tissue examinations
- Image documentation (whole-body photography)
- Interdisciplinary consultations with human genetics, pathology and other disciplines
Treatment options
Due to the nature of these diseases, the cause cannot usually be treated. However, there are many methods to treat the symptoms and thus also greatly improve the quality of life of these patients. In addition, preventive measures are particularly important for diseases that predispose to tumors.
- External medication to suppress the immune system if necessary
- Systemic medication to treat symptoms such as thickening of the skin
- Wound treatment, treatment of blisters
- Specialized sun protection for sun-sensitive diseases
- Laser treatments for vascular changes or pigment deposits
- Surgical or other removal of skin tumors
- Training in observation, care and treatment of the skin for parents and those affected as well as, for example, Spitex
Which diseases affect the hair?
Hair is a very important aspect of self-image for most people, even though it is not vital. Our hair is constantly judged in our social environment in terms of fullness, cleanliness, shape / hairstyle, color, tidiness, etc. - It is therefore not surprising that we want to have hair that is as healthy and beautiful as possible. There are diseases with both increased and decreased hair growth. It is often not easy to understand why hair growth has changed. This is exactly why we offer you our specialized hair consultation. There are substances in the diet, but also hormonal factors as well as stress and interactions of internal diseases that can cause hair problems. We can classify any hair disease for you by means of laboratory tests, as well as fine tissue examinations using punch biopsies, and discuss with you the extent to which treatment is possible and sensible. Because hair disorders often involve hereditary factors, it can be in the interest of the whole family to clarify hair disorders properly.
Types of hair diseases
- Hormone-related hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) in men and women, from receding hairline to complete baldness
- Circular hair loss due to immune changes (alopecia areata) in both mild and generalized forms (new treatment options!)
- Acute, diffuse or frightening hair loss (stressful situations, pregnancy/birth hair loss, nutrient or vitamin problems, internal illnesses and interaction with the hair, drug-induced hair loss)
- Scarring hair loss (scarring alopecia) with and without inflammation
- Hair shaft disorders (brittle/dry hair, incorrect care, senile hair loss)
- Premature graying of the hair (canities praecox)
- Hair diseases in infants to adolescents, syndromic diseases with involvement of teeth or other body regions
- Inflammatory hair loss as a secondary symptom of psoriasis or eczema
- Increased hair growth on the face in women
- Hair treatments for trans patients
- The personal history of the disease is also very important in the case of hair diseases. We record this in detail.
- We also examine the hair using a large magnifying glass and a dermatoscope.
- Automatic trichoscopy using artificial intelligence
- Examination of anisotrichosis using reflected light microscopy
- Polarization microscope for hair shaft examinations
- Fine tissue examination of the scalp and immunofluorescence clarification to determine the remaining activity of the hair follicles
- Examination for fungi and bacteria
- Blood tests to rule out infectious pathogens, nutrient or vitamin problems and hormonal disorders
Treatment options
- Hair growth activation using minoxidil in a medical concentration of 2 - 5%
- Other external treatments using medicated shampoos, tinctures, solutions, creams, local injections of cortisone crystals
- Tablet treatment with hormone blockers (finasteride)
- Nutritional advice and artificial replacement of missing substances such as zinc, iron, biotin
- External immunotherapy against circular hair loss (DPCP)
- Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment with sterile collection of your own blood and injection into the scalp
- Standardized documentation using full-body photography and standardized positions to assess the progression of the hair disease
- Hair transplantation in collaboration with full-time specialists in Switzerland
- State-of-the-art hair removal using the highly effective Clarity laser at our Margarethen Clinic
Skin cancer / skin tumors
What are skin tumors?
They are growths in the skin. If the tumors are malignant, they are also referred to as skin cancer. The most important risk factor for the development of skin cancer is long-term exposure to the sun. Due to the increasing life expectancy of the Swiss, skin cancer is developing more and more frequently as a result of chronic UV exposure. By far the most common are so-called actinic keratoses, which mainly develop in areas of skin exposed to the sun. These are rough, scaly patches that reappear after the scales have been removed. They are precursors of white skin cancer, which is why we recommend treatment.
White skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and spinocellular carcinomas. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer and also the most common form of all types of cancer. Light skin cancer must be actively treated, as spinocellular carcinoma in particular can sometimes metastasize to other organs.
The most dangerous form, however, is black skin cancer, known as melanoma, which can occur on any part of the body. People in middle age between 45 and 60 are particularly frequently affected. In Switzerland, the rate of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants is the highest in Europe. The earlier the disease is detected and treated, the better the chances of recovery. Melanomas can metastasize to lymph nodes or other organs despite being small and causing no symptoms. In recent years, enormous progress has been made in the treatment of advanced melanoma with the introduction of new drugs.
At the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Basel, we offer special consultation hours for the pre- and aftercare of skin tumors. We have a whole-body camera that uses 92 cameras to produce a complete image of the body and thus offer you the greatest possible security for the early detection of melanomas (self-pay service). In the case of advanced white and black skin cancer, we work with you and our interdisciplinary team from various specialist disciplines to determine an individual treatment plan.
To prevent skin cancer, it is important that you are informed about risk factors such as sun exposure, other radiation, medication and family history, but we also offer you a rapid examination and uncomplicated treatment.
Skin cancer types
Malignant skin tumors
- Actinic keratoses (precursors of white skin cancer)
- Basal cell carcinomas (basal cell carcinomas, white skin cancer)
- Spinocellular carcinomas (squamous cell carcinomas, white skin cancer)
- Melanomas (black skin cancer)
- Rare types of skin cancer such as Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma, adnexal tumors
Benign skin tumors
- z. e.g. dermatofibromas
- Nevus cell nevi (birthmarks)
- Seborrhoeic keratoses (senile warts)
- Survey of medical history and risk factors, as well as the presence of skin cancer in the family
- Early detection using whole-body photography
- Examination by the dermatologist with palpation of the affected skin areas
- Incident light microscopy (dermoscopy) with polarized light and pigment boost as well as digital documentation
- Video microscopy (FotoFinder)
Treatment options
- Cold treatment
- Local treatment using immune-activating methods
- Photodynamic therapy
- Micrographic 3D surgery (incision margin controlled)
- X-ray irradiation
- Interdisciplinary assessment in our skin tumor center with oncology, radiation oncology, plastic surgery, radiology, nuclear medicine, pathology and other departments
- Skin cancer aftercare
Skin lymphomas / cutaneous lymphomas
What is it about?
Skin lymphomas are rare malignant proliferations of long-lived immune cells (T-cells and B-cells) in the skin or in the layers directly underneath, and in a few types also in the blood. These immune cells have a positive effect in the healthy body, they help in the rejection of viruses, degenerated body cells and other diseases. In skin lymphomas, however, these immune cells are disturbed so that they carry out uncontrolled cell divisions. They accumulate in the skin and often form reddened thickening of the skin, which can develop into wounds over time.
A distinction is made between primary cutaneous lymphomas, which affect the skin, and secondary lymphomas, which cause skin involvement as a result of a lymphoma in the lymph nodes or organs. Cutaneous lymphomas usually develop slowly over several years. The most common lymphoma of the skin is mycosis fungoides. In certain forms of cutaneous lymphoma, the lymphoma cells may spread through the blood or invade the bone marrow and internal organs during the course of the disease. The course of the disease and the prognosis vary greatly and depend on various factors such as the form of the lymphoma (primary vs. secondary) and the type of lymphoma. Fortunately, most lymphomas of the skin have a less aggressive but often chronic course and are easily treatable.
If a skin lymphoma is suspected, the clinical picture should be clarified so that we can decide on a treatment together with you as soon as possible. In our consultation for skin lymphomas, your clinical picture will be examined in detail and you will receive comprehensive advice. Due to the numerous, sometimes very rare subtypes with varying prognoses, interdisciplinary care by specialists from different disciplines is essential. In close cooperation with other specialist disciplines, such as haematology, oncology and pathology, we develop an individual, effective treatment strategy for each of our patients. Due to the fact that the diseases are very rare, we work in Swiss and international networks and can therefore offer you the best treatment in each case.
Types of lymphoma
T-cell lymphomas of the skin
- Mycosis fungoides (MF)Sézary syndrome
- Adult T-cell leukemia / lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous CD30-positive lymphoproliferative diseases
- Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma
- Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
B-cell lymphomas of the skin
- Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (leg-type)
- EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Primary cutaneous intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
- Precise characterization of the medical history
- Complete examination of the entire body including hair, lymph nodes, spleen and liver
- Imaging
- Blood sampling with search for specific immune cells
- Fine tissue examination with clonality determination
- Interdisciplinary discussion of the findings and determination of an individual treatment plan in our skin tumor center
Therapy options
- External local therapies with cortisone preparations, cortisone-free methods, local chemotherapies, immunotherapies
- Light therapies with and without enhancement with psoralen (light sensitizer)
- X-ray irradiation
- Surgical removal of single skin lymphomas
- Infusions/tablets with chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy to destroy the lymphoma cells
- Extracorporeal photophoresis (ECP = UVA irradiation of the blood)
- Autologous and allogeneic transplantation of blood stem cells
Nail diseases
What is that?
The nails play a very important role in our body. In addition to protecting the ends of our fingers and toes, they also provide mechanical stability and are highly exposed to all kinds of environmental factors. Although they affect a relatively small area, nail diseases often affect our patients very severely. If someone has ugly, scaly or no longer semi-transparent fingernails, even handing over small change at the supermarket checkout is an unpleasant situation. Ugly nails are very quickly mistaken for infectious nail fungus, which has a very negative social impact on those affected.
Various diseases can also cause pain, especially at work, and thus impair the ability to work. Nail diseases can be caused by disorders of the nail plate, but also of the nail bed or even the root of the nail. During the consultation, your nails will be examined and the affected underlying regions precisely determined. Nail diseases are often associated with other skin problems, so that an examination of the body is usually worthwhile for you. Eczema, psoriasis, but also diseases of the mucous membranes and joints can affect the nails. We will also ask you about medications that can affect the nails, as well as your nutritional status (biotin is one of the important vitamins for the nails) and internal diseases such as the liver. A routine examination is also an examination for fungi, which occur very frequently on the nails.
Types of nail diseases
- Infectious nail diseases
- Inflammatory nail diseases
- Skin cancer under the nail
- Mechanical diseases of the nails
- Allergic diseases of the nails
- Nail changes due to internal diseases
- Medicinal nail changes
- A detailed medical history is taken. This is often informative and can characterize the clinical picture more precisely
- Clinical examination of all nails is very important
- Reflected light microscopic examination using 10x magnification and gel fluoroscopy
- Laboratory tests
- Secondarily, biopsy of the nail bed, especially when searching for skin cancer
Psoriasis / psoriasis
What is that?
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases. It affects 3 in 100 people in Switzerland and the disease is becoming increasingly common. It is a non-contagious but chronic inflammation of typical areas of the body such as the scalp, elbows, knees, hands and feet, as well as other areas of the skin. Although pure psoriasis of the skin is not dangerous per se, as long as the area is not too large, it severely restricts the quality of life of those affected. It produces sharply defined, reddened and silvery scaly plaques on the skin and can also affect the hair and nails. The skin becomes roughened and 4 out of 5 patients suffer from severe itching. Due to the disfigurement, even small areas of psoriasis on critical areas such as the hands, nails or face can severely affect patients and require active treatment.
In our psoriasis consultation, we look at your personal type of psoriasis, rule out infectious diseases and allergic diseases, measure the activity of the psoriasis and recommend a personalized treatment plan. In addition, we always have clinical trials with the latest medications that you may be eligible to participate in. Our clinic is also the head of the Swiss Psoriasis Network, where we treat more than 600 patients with the latest medications and therefore have a great deal of experience in the correct treatment of psoriasis.
Psoriasis can occur in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Hereditary factors are involved, psychological factors such as stress are also almost always present, and there are also certain infections and medications that can trigger psoriasis. We will identify these together with you during the consultation and, together with your family doctor, make certain recommendations, for example regarding a change of diet.
Psoriasis is not just a skin disease, but can also affect the whole body, for example the joints and internal organs, as well as causing high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and depression. We work very closely with the rheumatology department at Basel University Hospital and with other disciplines in order to be able to recommend an early treatment plan that makes sense for the whole body.
Forms of psoriasis
- Psoriasis vulgaris (90 %, typical sites: scalp, elbows, knees and trunk)
- Psoriasis guttata (fine-spotted form, typical in children)
- Psoriasis of the nails
- Psoriasis of the large folds
- Psoriasis of the purulent type
- Psoriasis with joint inflammation
- Psoriasis of the erythrodermic type (whole-body infestation)
- We will gather a detailed history from you, which is very important for the classification of psoriasis
- Detailed clinical examination of the entire body to identify all affected areas, especially between the buttocks, for example
- Laboratory tests to identify affected internal organs
- Initial examination of the joints by us and confirmation by the rheumatology department for psoriatic arthritis in the event of conspicuous findings
- Optional imaging
- Determination of genetic markers for preliminary clarification of the effect of certain medications
- Interdisciplinary presentation with other specialists for the best possible care
Treatment options
- Correct skin care to reduce the occurrence of psoriasis
- External local treatment to reduce inflammation; cortisone preparations, preparations containing vitamin D as well as cortisone-free anti-inflammatory preparations are used here
- Light therapy (UVA, UVB, psoralen-enhanced light therapy optional)
- Classic system therapies such as methotrexate, ciclosporin, acitretin
- Fumaric acid esters (classic therapy, mainly used in Germany)
- Small molecules such as apremilast
- Biological therapy
- Inpatient stay for treatment of the flare-up
- Psoriasis training for patients and their relatives
Sweating (hyperhidrosis)
What is that?
Excessive sweating is a very common condition in the population. Although the excessive sweating process is not dangerous to life and limb, it is a serious impairment of quality of life if clothes get wet at the wrong time and/or in the wrong place. On the one hand, it can only be increased sweating of individual parts of the body such as hands and feet or the armpits, but in many patients the whole body is also involved. Internal processes need to be investigated, particularly in the case of extensive sweating disorders, as hormonal disorders or even cancer can sometimes be the cause. We have many years of expertise in this area and offer you the most gentle and effective therapies for sweating.
Types of hyperhidrosis
- Sweating of the hands
- Sweating of the feet
- Sweating of the armpits
- Generalized sweating
- Rare, genetic diseases with atypical localization of sweating
Treatment options
- Aluminum hydrate
- Iontophoresis
- Internal medication
- Botulinum toxin
Pediatric dermatology
What does pediatric dermatology involve?
Children often have skin diseases and these are only partially overlapping with those of adults. This is why the field of pediatric dermatology is a separate one and requires a high level of expertise. We treat children with skin diseases twice a week, both at our clinic and at the children's hospital. Not only are the diseases different, but the treatments also require different approaches, as the focus is on long-term and non-toxic treatment options, especially for chronic diseases. As hereditary factors are often involved in diseases that occur after birth, we also collaborate with medical genetics and, of course, with the University Children's Hospital of Basel.
Treatment types
Common diseases in children are
- Cradle cap/psoriasis (psoriasis)
- Neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) and eczema
- Localized and generalized inflammatory skin diseases of other types
- Hemangiomas (blood sponges)
- Stork bite and nevus flammeus (port-wine stain)
- Exanthema/acute skin rashes
- Reduced or increased hair growth, especially circular hair loss (alopecia areata)
- Infectious skin diseases such as fungi, bacteria or viruses (warts)
- Skin tumours (localized/generalized)
- Deformities of the skin, hairy or hairless, on the skin or directly underneath it
- Acne from infancy to adolescence
- Moles, sometimes very large, search for simultaneous infestation of internal organs
- Genetic diseases with skin changes such as ichthyosis, epidermolysis, many others
- Blistering diseases
- A detailed history of the illnesses is taken in order to be able to classify them properly.
- Photo documentation
- Swabs for infectious pathogens
- Skin samples for histological examinations where appropriate
- Interdisciplinary collaboration with other disciplines
- Further clarifications depending on the type of disease
Dermatology at the University Hospital Basel consists of five departments. Do you have a question about your appointment or would you like to get in touch with us? Here you will find contact details and the opening hours of each department.
Please note: Since September 2022, you will find the outpatient clinic and the day clinic for dermatology at the University Hospital Basel on the first floor of the Felix Platter Hospital, Burgfelderstrasse 101, 4055 Basel.
Dermatology Polyclinic
In the dermatology outpatient clinic, we offer the entire range of treatments for diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, nails and hair as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
Opening hours polyclinic
- Monday 8.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00
- Tuesday 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
- Wednesday 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
- Thursday 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
- Friday 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Emergency dermatology registration times:
- Monday 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.
- Tuesday 8.00 - 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 - 2.00 p.m.
- Wednesday 8.00 - 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 - 2.00 p.m.
- Thursday 8.00 - 9.00 a.m.
- Friday 8.00 - 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 - 2.00 p.m.
Please note that only emergencies can be accepted. We are also available online at hautproblem.ch.
Telephone registration
Appointments can only be made with a doctor's referral
Tel. +41 61 265 40 80 (Mon - Fri 8.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00)
Fax: +41 61 265 42 00
You will be charged CHF 50 for missed appointments without an excuse.
By telephone or directly at our registration desk. If you have been referred by a doctor, you will usually be given an appointment in writing, in urgent cases by telephone. There is an emergency consultation hour for urgent cases.
Since September 2022, you will find the outpatient clinic and the day clinic for dermatology at the University Hospital Basel on the first floor of the Felix Platter Hospital.
University geriatric medicine FELIX PLATTER
Burgfelderstrasse 101
4055 Basel
Allergology outpatient clinic
The allergology outpatient clinic clarifies and treats allergic and intolerance reactions. This includes, for example, hay fever, allergic asthma caused by pollen, house dust mites and animal dander, bee and wasp venom allergy, food allergy and intolerance, and a focus on drug allergies. Skin eczema, neurodermatitis and hives (urticaria) are also treated.
Special interdisciplinary consultation hours are reserved for patients with special problems (rhinoallergology, vasculitis, immunodeficiencies, severe food allergies, occupational eczema).
Opening hours
- Monday 8.00 - 12.00
- Tuesday 8.00 - 12.00, 14.00 - 17.00
- Wednesday 8.00 - 12.00, 14.00 - 17.00
- Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
- Friday 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
Appointments can only be made with a doctor's referral
Phone +41 61 265 40 98 (Mon - Fri 8.00 - 12.00)
Fax +41 61 265 57 50
You will be charged CHF 50 for missed appointments without an excuse.
If the skin is really severely inflamed or chronic skin diseases do not want to heal, then an inpatient stay is recommended. On the ward, we can offer you maximum treatment both during the day and at night, on weekdays and weekends.
Although certain skin diseases could theoretically be treated at home, experience shows that our patients are extremely satisfied after their stay in hospital. If you take a few days, the skin disease will heal much faster with our professional care than if you try to do it at home. During your hospital stay, you can leave yourself to our specialized skin care, enjoy peace and quiet and our award-winning food, be visited daily by our competent dermatologists and discuss your skin condition. A major advantage of staying in hospital is also the ability to quickly adjust your treatment, which means we can react very quickly if something does not improve immediately.
An inpatient stay is also often advisable for the treatment of skin tumors, as we offer 3D incision margin-controlled surgery, which guarantees the complete removal of skin tumors with the greatest possible safety and we can then close the defect with your own skin again with the best possible result after the fine tissue assessment. Our dermatosurgical team only operates on the finest skin changes, so we have the greatest possible experience, which is also reflected in the very beautiful results with thin scars.
In addition to dermatologists and specialized care, we also have more than five wound experts on our dermatology ward who deal with the closure of chronic wounds. This is a very important topic, as chronic wounds can severely impair quality of life. Instead of continuing to treat these chronically on an outpatient basis, where we often see little success, we are increasingly using an active strategy of short hospitalization with immediate closure of the wound by skin grafting. Many patients have already benefited greatly from this.
We have a comprehensive range of services for both Swiss and international patients and, in addition to the most modern dermatological techniques, we also offer classic approaches such as bath/moisturizing therapy and light therapy. We would like to welcome you and look forward to sharing our extensive experience with you.
Wound outpatient clinic
The dermatology wound outpatient clinic treats patients who require prolonged nursing care or infusion therapy. It mainly cares for independent outpatients who do not require hospitalization. The outpatient wound clinic is supervised by a doctor.
Light therapy
Light therapy is used for various inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) or extensive eczema. We also offer photodynamic therapy, a treatment for precancerous lesions and certain forms of white skin cancer. Our range includes whole or partial body therapy: UVA, UVA1, UVB 311 mm and PUVA. The exposure time is very short and lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. Light therapy is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Surgery and laser therapy
Offer OP
In addition to the removal of benign skin changes such as melanocytic nevi (liver spots) and sebaceous cysts, we also focus on the surgical treatment of skin tumors and their defect coverage from an aesthetic point of view. For this purpose, reconstructive surgical techniques such as suture flap plasty and skin grafts are used under local anesthesia, tumescent local anesthesia or conduction anesthesia.
Depending on the type of tumour, we use micrographically controlled surgery (MKC) to minimize the risk of recurrence while at the same time protecting the surrounding tissue as much as possible, especially in the face. This involves a complete microscopic examination of the incision margins of the removed tumor in order to identify and remove subclinical tumor extensions.
If, due to the size and location of the skin tumour and other factors, the operation is performed under inpatient conditions, hospitalization can take place directly in our dermatology department.
Laser offer
Various state-of-the-art laser systems (Nd:YAG laser, pulsed dye laser, CO2 laser) and IPL systems (flash lamp) can generally be used to gently treat different skin changes. Several treatment sessions are usually necessary to achieve an optimal result. The number of treatments varies from person to person and depends on the type and size of the skin area to be treated.
Typical indications for laser therapy are
- Vascular malformations or neoplasms e.g.
- N. flammei (port-wine stains)
- Hemangiomas of childhood
- Dilated vessels (telangiectasias, spider nevi)
- Spider vein varices
- Benign neoplasms e.g.
- xanthelasma
- Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
- Angiofibromas
- Unwanted (dark) hair growth
Mohs mikrographische Chirurgie
Die Methode der Mohs mikrographischen Chirurgie zur Hautkrebsentfernung bietet diverse Vorteile gegenüber anderen Methoden der Tumor-Entfernung. Sie ist sicher, schonend, effizient und Patienten-freundlich: Auch an schwieriger zu bearbeitenden Körperstellen kann unter lokaler Betäubung und innert eines einzigen Tages operiert werden.
Die Methode ist nach ihrem Erfinder Frederic Mohs (1910 - 2002) benannt und wird in den USA und auch an vielen Orten in Europa als Standardmethode der Hauttumorexzision praktiziert.
«Mikrographisch» operieren bedeutet, dass 100 Prozent des Schnittrandes lückenlos histologisch (unter dem Mikroskop) untersucht werden. Bei der Mohs mikrographischen Chirurgie wird dieser Schnittrand am Gefrierschnitt im Labor direkt neben dem Operationssaal aufgearbeitet und steht deshalb bereits nach kurzer Zeit für die Beurteilung zur Verfügung. Der komplette Schnittrand ist dabei auf einen Blick sichtbar. Weil am Gefrierschnitt gearbeitet wird, kann gleichentags, falls notwendig, mehrmals nachgeschnitten werden. Nach kompletter Entfernung des Tumors wird die entstandene Wunde wieder nach funktionellen und kosmetischen Prinzipien verschlossen.
Mit dieser Methode kann eine Vielzahl an Hauttumoren operiert werden, am häufigsten weisser Hautkrebs wie Basalzellkarzinome oder kutane Plattenepithelkarzinome. Je nach Ort und Grösse der entstandenen Wunde kommen unterschiedliche Rekonstruktionstechniken zur Anwendung. Diese umfassen lokale Lappenplastiken oder Hauttransplantationen.
Sentinel-Lymphknotenbiopsie unter Tumeszenzlokalanästhesie
Die Sentinel-Lymphknotenbiopsie ist eine spezielle chirurgische Technik, die vor allem beim schwarzen Hautkrebs (Melanom) eingesetzt wird. Diese Operation wird durchgeführt, um zu überprüfen, ob Krebszellen aus dem Ursprungstumor in das Lymphsystem eingedrungen sind.
Der Sentinel-Lymphknoten ist der erste Lymphknoten, der von Tumorzellen erreicht wird. Enthält dieser keine Krebszellen, ist eine weitere Ausbreitung des Krebses unwahrscheinlich.
Bei der Sentinel-Lymphknotenbiopsie wird zunächst eine spezielle Substanz (ein Farbstoff und ein radioaktives Isotop) in die Haut in der Nähe des Tumors gespritzt, die sich zu den Sentinel-Lymphknoten hinbewegt. Mithilfe eines Scanners wird der markierte Lymphknoten identifiziert und während des chirurgischen Eingriffs gezielt entfernt. Anschliessend wird der Lymphknoten mikroskopisch untersucht, um festzustellen, ob er Krebszellen enthält.
Diese Operation benötigt keine Vollnarkose, sondern kann unter Tumeszenzlokalanästhesie durchgeführt werden, was mehrere bedeutende Vorteile bietet. Die Tumeszenzlokalanästhesie verwendet eine grosse Menge einer verdünnten Lokalanästhesielösung, die in das Gewebe um den Eingriffsbereich injiziert wird. Dies ermöglicht eine langanhaltende Betäubung und führt zu einer Schwellung des Gewebes, wodurch die Chirurgin eine bessere Sicht und einfacheren Zugang zu den Lymphknoten erhält. Da keine Vollnarkose notwendig ist, sind Patienten nach dem Eingriff oft schneller wieder mobil und können in der Regel am folgenden Tag wieder nach Hause zurückkehren.
Insbesondere Patienten, die aufgrund von Vorerkrankungen oder einem höheren Narkoserisiko Bedenken gegenüber einer Vollnarkose haben, profitieren besonders von dieser Methode.
Zusammengefasst bietet die Kombination aus Sentinel-Lymphknotenbiopsie und Tumeszenzlokalanästhesie eine sichere, effektive und patientenfreundliche Methode zur Abklärung der Ausbreitung des Hautkrebses. Dieses Vorgehen stellt sicher, dass die Patienten die bestmögliche Diagnose und Behandlung mit minimalem körperlichem und emotionalem Stress erhalten.
Offer OP
In addition to the removal of benign skin changes such as melanocytic nevi (liver spots) and sebaceous cysts, we also focus on the surgical treatment of skin tumors and their defect coverage from an aesthetic point of view. For this purpose, reconstructive surgical techniques such as suture flap plasty and skin grafts are used under local anesthesia, tumescent local anesthesia or conduction anesthesia.
Depending on the type of tumour, we use micrographically controlled surgery (MKC) to minimize the risk of recurrence while at the same time protecting the surrounding tissue as much as possible, especially in the face. This involves a complete microscopic examination of the incision margins of the removed tumor in order to identify and remove subclinical tumor extensions.
If, due to the size and location of the skin tumour and other factors, the operation is performed under inpatient conditions, hospitalization can take place directly in our dermatology department.
Laser offer
Various state-of-the-art laser systems (Nd:YAG laser, pulsed dye laser, CO2 laser) and IPL systems (flash lamp) can generally be used to gently treat different skin changes. Several treatment sessions are usually necessary to achieve an optimal result. The number of treatments varies from person to person and depends on the type and size of the skin area to be treated.
Typical indications for laser therapy are
- Vascular malformations or neoplasms e.g.
- N. flammei (port-wine stains)
- Hemangiomas of childhood
- Dilated vessels (telangiectasias, spider nevi)
- Spider vein varices
- Benign neoplasms e.g.
- xanthelasma
- Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
- Angiofibromas
- Unwanted (dark) hair growth