Prof. Stefano Bassetti discusses something with a doctor and nurse on a Meona computer

Further education and training

The University Hospital Basel works closely with the University of Basel.

Important tasks of the university are the training of future doctors and nursing scientists as well as medical and nursing research.

The Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Basel has more than 200 beds and covers the entire spectrum of internal medicine in close cooperation with the specialist clinics. It is the largest category A training center for internal medicine in northwestern Switzerland and an attractive place for further training with excellent personal development opportunities.

The Department of Internal Medicine offers a three-year curriculum with six-month rotations in emergency and intensive care medicine as well as other specialist departments. In addition to specialty wards, the entire spectrum of internal diseases is covered at university level on the internal medicine wards. In total, more than 50 junior doctors work in the Department of Internal Medicine in full and part-time positions.

You can find detailed information on further training for residents at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Basel in our further training concept.

In addition, the Department of Internal Medicine offers a fast-track program for MD/PhD candidates together with the Medical Polyclinic of the University Hospital Basel to promote young scientists.

Application for a position as assistant doctor

Please send your application by e-mail to Prof. Tobias Breidthardt


Prof. Tobias Breidthardt

Leitender Arzt

Innere Medizin

Show profile

Why Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Basel?

  • Clear training concept with a three-year curriculum with rotations in emergency and intensive care medicine as well as further rotation opportunities in specialist clinics
  • Challenging and exciting university hospital environment
  • Structured, intensive training events (consultations, Thursday conferences, X-ray reports, journal clubs)
  • Further training courses (abdomen/FAST ultrasound, communication course, diabetes training, BLS)
  • Personal mentors with individual family, development and career planning (e.g. pregnancy advisor)
  • Active representation of the interests of junior doctors
  • Integration opportunities and support for research projects
  • Cooperation clinics in Basel, the surrounding area and abroad
  • Excellent internal and external research environment in the life sciences sector (university, Biozentrum, pharmaceuticals)
  • highly attractive and lively cultural city (numerous leisure activities, the Rhine, Theater Basel, a large number of museums, Basel World, Art Basel, etc.) in an exceptional tri-national location
  • excellent public transport connections (long-distance and local transport, EuroAirport)

Assistant representation

There are two elected assistant representatives who act as contact persons and representatives for questions relating to further training and employment conditions at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Basel.

We are specifically committed to the interests and concerns of residents and strive to achieve continuous optimization of employment conditions as far as possible.

Through active integration, we assistant doctors are involved in important decisions on the further development of the clinic (e.g. new Clinic 2 building, rostering).

Meetings are held twice a year so that all junior doctors can put forward their concerns directly. In the meantime, we regularly have the opportunity to discuss important issues with the medical management, which can be brought to our attention. We publish a newsletter three to four times a year in which we provide information about current changes, problems and improvements.

There is a meeting on the first Thursday of every month to get to know each other and exchange ideas. We provide information about other events in the newsletter.

We are always open to ideas and suggestions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The assistant spokespersons for internal medicine


Dr. Katja Bologna


Innere Medizin

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Dr. Elodie Hersperger


Chirurgie 6.1

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Der Journal Club findet montags um 12 Uhr statt und richtet sich primär an Ärztinnen und Ärzte des USB. Die Präsentation einer aktuellen und für den klinischen Alltag relevanten Publikation wird primär von Assistentinnen und Assistenten gehalten. Einmal im Monat findet ein erweiterter Vortrag von Spezialist*innen oder externen Referent*innen zu einem klinischen Thema statt.

Triple Therapie bei COPD
Dr. S. Moser

6. März
Heart and Brain
Prof. Ch. Meyer-Zürn

3. April
Adipositastherapie – was erwartet uns 2023?
Prof. K. Timper

8. Mai
Prof. O. Pfister

5. Juni
KHK – konservative versus interventionelle Therapie
PD Dr. G. Leibundgut

3. Juli
Prof Kyburz

7. August
Lipidtherapie 2023
PD Dr. T. Burkard

4. September
Herz und Niere im Wechselspiel
Prof. T. Breidthardt

2. Oktober

6. November
Antikoagulation nach Stroke und Ausblick in die Zukunft
Dr. A. Polymeris

4. Dezember
Sarkopenie und Ernährung bei geriatrischen Patienten
Dr. R. Banz

DOKO - Thursday conference

The Thursday Conference (DOKO) is the official internal medicine training course at the University Hospital Basel. At the DOKO, experts discuss current clinical and scientific problems in medicine. Regular case presentations from everyday clinical practice round off the varied program. The DOKO is aimed at hospital doctors in the field of medicine, colleagues in private practice and all interested specialists from other disciplines. The DOKO is an officially recognized training course of the SGAIM.

Due to the current situation, the DOKO can once again be held as a face-to-face event . This is subject to the condition that the current hygiene and distancing rules are observed by the participants, in accordance with the guidelines of the University Hospital Basel.

Due to the great interest, we will continue to offer video transmission. If you are not included in our official mailing list and therefore do not receive a link for the video conference, you are welcome to register for the individual training courses at the following e-mail address:

The first 15 minutes of the DOKO are reserved for announcements from the field and for internal medicine case presentations.

Organizing Committee



Prof. Qian Zhou

Leitende Ärztin

Innere Medizin

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Prof. Stefano Bassetti


Innere Medizin

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Prof. Tobias Breidthardt

Leitender Arzt

Innere Medizin

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Prof. Jens Eckstein PhD

Leitender Arzt

Innere Medizin

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Dr. Andrea Meienberg


Medizinische Poliklinik

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Prof. Christian Nickel

Stv. Chefarzt


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Dr. Sonja Seelmann


Innere Medizin

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Prof. Marten Trendelenburg

Stv. Chefarzt

Innere Medizin

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Nachwuchsförderung Forschung