Approach & Contact
University Hospital Basel |
By streetcar
Take streetcar line 11 to Universitätsspital station and then walk 240m up Petersgraben to Hebelstrasse. |
By car
Please use the parking garage City, entrance Klingelbergstrasse or Schanzenstrasse. |
Contact us
We offer specific assessments and treatment for the entire psychosomatic spectrum. Our work focuses on people with functional physical complaints (irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, dizziness), chronic pain, problems adapting to physical illnesses, including psycho-oncology, obesity and eating disorders.
As a psychosomatic consultation and liaison service, we provide support across the entire campus. Patients from the USB or from outside can be registered at the psychosomatic outpatient clinic.
Our team

Assigned departments
- Medical communication
- Palliative care
- Digital and combined psychosomatics and psychotherapy - Head: Prof. Gunther Meinlschmidt
- Medical Humanities
Deputy Chief Physician and Head of Medical Communication

Prof. Dr. Sabina Hunziker Schütz
Leitende Ärztin Medizinische Kommunikation, Stv. Chefärztin Psychosomatik
Medizinische Kommunikation, Psychosomatik
Management physician

Psychological management

Research management

Senior physicians



Gerlinde Hoffmann
Spezialärztin: Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie FMH
Psychologists and psychologists

Dr. rer. nat. Rebekka Schnepper
Psychologin, Post-Doc (Projektkoordination Horizon Europe Long Covid)

Care experts

Scientific staff

Lukas Ebner
Assistent Datenmanagement (Projekte: SomPsyNet & Horizon Europe Long Covid)
Psychosomatik Drittmittel

Stefan Rohner, M.Sc.
Psychologe, wiss. Mitarbeiter (Projekt Horizon Europe Long Covid)

Dr. rer. nat. Rebekka Schnepper
Psychologin, Post-Doc (Projektkoordination Horizon Europe Long Covid)

Franziska Weeren, M.Sc.
Psychologin, wiss. Mitarbeiterin & Koordination Medical Humanities
Further training


Ivana Heimgartner
med. adm. Personal
Palliative Care; Psychosomatik

Ingeborg Sarti-Leicht
Assistentin stv. Direktorin Pflege/MTT
Medizinische Direktion