Basel Cell Therapy Symposium
2nd Basel Cell Therapy Symposium 2025
Welcome to the 2nd Basel Cell Therapy Symposium:
This one and a half-day symposium, organized by the Innovation Focus Cell Therapies of the University Hospital Basel, will be held on January 23-24, 2025.
Our program will showcase cutting-edge research on non-engineered lymphocytes, engineered lymphocytes, providing latest advancements in cell therapies and insights into engineered stem cells. This meeting aims to foster interaction and exchange of scientific ideas among clinicians, scientists and other stakeholders in the field.
We are delighted to confirm the participation of distinguished international speakers and we will also give the opportunity to young researchers to present their work through talks selected from abstracts and poster sessions.
We look forward to welcome you to the Basel Cell Therapy Symposium.
The Team of the Innovation Focus Cell Therapies:
Andreas Holbro, Lukas Jeker, Nina Khanna, Heinz Läubli
Invited Speakers

Program-Basel Cell Therapy Symposium 2025
Attendance of this symposium is accredited as continuous education for specialists in Medical Oncology and Hematology:
SSMO-SGMO: 9 credit points
SGH-SSH: 9 credit points
Bruno Speck Awards 2024:
Since 2012, the Basel Stem Cell Network (BSCN) honors the best publications in the field of stem cell research, both basic and clinically-oriented, with the Bruno Speck Awards. The yearly Awardees have been the first authors of the selected papers published within the BSCN network groups.
The Awards have a strong tradition in the scientific and medical community in Basel, being very much appreciated by the junior group members.
The Awards are being sponsored by the Stiftung für hämatologische Forschung, intiated by the late Prof. Bruno Speck, the long-time Head of Hematology in Basel and pioneer of the stem cell transplantation in Switzerland.
New home for the award in 2024:
We invite all research groups in the scientific and medical institutions in Basel to submit their papers in the field of stem cell research and cellular therapy (published 1.7.2023-30.6.2024). There will be one award for the best basic science paper and one award for a clinically-oriented paper.
Eligibility: the majority of the work needs to have been performed in the Basel area.
The Bruno Speck Awards 2024 will be presented at the 2nd Basel Cell Therapy Symposium 2025 on January 23-24, 2025 in Basel.
Please send nominated papers with a short description (2-3 sentences) of their merits and why they deserve an award to: zelltherapien@usb.ch
Deadline for submission: 11.11.2024
Spitalstrasse 41
4056 Basel
Phone +41 61 207 21 11
Fax +41 61 207 17 12
E-Mail: information-biozentrumunibasch
Information about the Symposium
We would like to thank all the generous support of sponsors and exhibitors.
Contact zelltherapien@usb.ch