Neuroendocrine and endocrine tumors
The Center for Neuroendocrine and Endocrine Tumors at the University Hospital Basel combines diagnostic, medical and surgical expertise in the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine and endocrine tumor diseases.
Neuroendocrine neoplasms are rare tumors that can manifest themselves in any organ, most commonly in the digestive tract. These tumors, some of which exhibit hormonal activity, present themselves very differently. Tumors with very low malignant potential can be cured after local removal, while more aggressive carcinomas require more intensive treatment to control the disease. Due to their rarity and their very different manifestations, the diagnosis and treatment of these tumors require a high degree of interdisciplinary cooperation, as offered at our center.
Carcinomas of the thyroid gland, including medullary thyroid carcinomas, are among the most common endocrine tumors. Highly differentiated thyroid carcinomas in particular show a slow growth tendency and have an excellent long-term prognosis if diagnosed early and treated appropriately.
The aim of the Center for Neuroendocrine and Endocrine Tumors is to combine the expertise and experience of the various specialist disciplines for the diagnosis and treatment of these tumor diseases, some of which are rare, in order to offer patients affected by them targeted diagnosis and individualized treatment based on the latest findings.
We attach great importance to patient-oriented care that takes into account not only the medical possibilities, but also the needs and resources of each patient.
To ensure optimal treatment, regular meetings of all specialists take place in so-called tumor boards. We also support other centers in difficult cases by developing individual treatment recommendations as part of a second opinion. Ultimately, the success of a treatment is based not least on close cooperation with all referring colleagues, oncology specialist practices, home nursing and the relatives of affected patients and self-help groups.
The Center for Neuroendocrine and Endocrine Tumors brings together the following clinics and institutes from the departments of medicine, surgery, special clinics and medical cross-sectional functions of the University Hospital:
Doctors and physicians
Nuclear medicine
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med Damian Wild
Leitung Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 556 53 84
Dr. Guillaume Nicolas
Kaderarzt, Stv. Leitung Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 328 66 82
PD Dr. Christof Rottenburger
Kaderarzt, stv. Leitung Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 328 65 51
Prof. Christoph J. Zech
Leitung interventionelle Radiologie
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Leitung Angiografie
Tel. +41 61 328 63 44
Dr. Jens Jakscha
Stv. Chefarzt
PD Dr. Laurent Muller
Leitender Arzt
Leiter Hals- und Gesichtschirurgie
Prof. Dr. Viviane Hess
Leitende Ärztin
FMH Innere Medizin, FMH Medizinische Onkologie
Medizinische Zentren Bauchtumorzentrum
PD Dr. Obinna Chijioke
Zytopathologie, Lungenpathologie, Uropathologie, Molekularpathologie
Tel. +41 61 328 56 38
Prof. Alexandar Tzankov
Leitender Arzt und Fachbereichsleiter Histopathologie und Autopsie
Mitglied Tumorzentrum
Tel. +41 61 328 68 80
Clarunis: Surgery and endocrine surgery
Prof. Dr. Lukas Degen
Stv. Chefarzt Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie
Mitglied Tumorzentrum
PD Dr. Alberto Posabella
Oberarzt Viszeralchirurgie
Dr. Alexander Wilhelm
Oberarzt Viszeralchirurgie
Clarunis Gastroenterology
Prof. Dr. Lukas Degen
Stv. Chefarzt Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie
Mitglied Tumorzentrum
Prof. Dr. Petr Hruz
Leitender Arzt Gastroenterologie/Hepatologie
Radiation oncology
Dr. phil. Diana Zwahlen
Leiterin Psychologinnen und Psychologen
Psychoonkologische Psychotherapeutin SGPO
The disease of an endocrine/neuroendocrine tumor means a deep cut in the usual life of the affected patient and his next of kin. That is why we attach great importance to individual care for each patient and their relatives in order to reduce anxiety and improve their quality of life.
We focus on the following topics:
- Individual care by specialized nursing staff
- Regular interdisciplinary therapy meetings to ensure an optimal course of therapy.
Contact us
Contact, patient services and administration
Brigit Avis-Furler
Assistentin Nuklearmedizin und radiopharmazeutische Chemie, Fachverantwortung Patientenmanagement Nuklearmedizin, Mitglied Tumorzentrum
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 556 53 84
Phone +41 61 556 53 84
Sprechstunde für Neuroendokrine Tumore
Neuroendokrine Tumore zeigen Merkmale von Nerven (neuro) und von hormonproduzierenden Zellen (endokrin). Diese Tumoren entwickeln sich am häufigsten im Magen-Darm-Kanal, in der Bauchspeicheldrüse (Pankreas) oder in der Lunge, selten auch in anderen Geweben. Ca. 25% von ihnen sezernieren Hormone (z.B. Insulin, Gastrin etc), welche spezifische Symptome verursachen können.
Mittels ausführlichem Gespräch, ärztlicher Untersuchung, Blutuntersuchungen sowie bildgebenden Verfahren werden Patientinnen und Patienten mit neuroendokrinen Tumoren abgeklärt und fachärztlich beraten.
Zusätzlich werden die Patientinnen und Patienten am interdisziplinären neuroendokrinen Tumorboard vorgestellt und besprochen. Dies ist eine Bedingung für die Zertifizierung als Center of Excellence der ENETS (European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society), welche wir im 2019 erhalten haben.
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med Damian Wild
Leitung Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Zentrum für neuroendokrine und endokrine Tumore
Tel. +41 61 556 53 84
Center coordination
Management body
Prof. Dr. Lukas Degen
Stv. Chefarzt Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie
Dr. Jens Jakscha
Stv. Chefarzt
Dr. Guillaume Nicolas
Kaderarzt, Stv. Leitung Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 328 66 82
Michelle Pintacoda
Leiterin Pflege Nuklearmedizin
Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin
Tel. +41 61 556 56 58
PD Dr. Alberto Posabella
Oberarzt Viszeralchirurgie
Dr. Michèlle Voegeli