Screen view of an AOD report in a radiology meeting room


University teaching

The Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine is closely linked to the University of Basel(Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Radiology). Our courses are an integral part of the human medicine and dentistry programs. In human medicine, we are involved in all annual courses and in almost all subject blocks. Our training is practice-oriented, but covers the entire spectrum of methods, including complex technologies. In clinical teaching, we offer concept lectures that are supplemented by practical image interpretation courses.

Practical training

We are able to offer internships in a quality-conscious company with state-of-the-art technical equipment and a wide range of examinations:

  • for students of human medicine and dentistry in their elective year of study
  • for prospective radiology specialists HF (MTRAs)
  • for prospective biomedical analysts HF (BMAs)

Further education and training

We attach great importance to the further development of our employees' expertise. We are therefore committed to both theoretical and practical training. In terms of further medical training, our clinic meets the highest requirements of the Swiss further training regulations (category A) and is therefore authorized to provide full further training as a specialist in radiology or nuclear medicine. In addition, we offer in-depth training in the specialist areas of radiology through regular rotations and long-term fellowship positions in our specialist departments. A special feature is the organ-based structure of our fellowship program. Doctors and radiology specialists benefit from our regular internal training events and are supported by us in attending external events, congresses and courses.

Radiology and nuclear medicine are method-oriented subjects with specific clinical relevance. The teaching content relevant to medical studies and the federal state examination is listed in the Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Training. They are set out in a separate section "Radiology and Nuclear Medicine" only with regard to methods. The more clinical content of these subjects and the radio-oncological aspects are stored under the individual diseases and can therefore be found in the learning objectives catalogs of the respective clinical disciplines (internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, etc.). These radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation oncology learning objectives are also part of the training content of the radiology subjects and are therefore also examined in the radiology examinations.

The content and learning objectives of the individual radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation oncology courses are listed in the respective course catalogs and can be viewed via OLAT.


Prof. Christoph J. Zech

Leitung interventionelle Radiologie

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

Leitung Angiografie

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Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med Damian Wild

Leitung Nuklearmedizin

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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Dr. phil. Seline Schellenberg

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Lehrkoordination, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin sind in sämtliche Jahreskurse des Bachelor- und Mastercurriculums Humanmedizin an der Universität Basel und in fast alle Themenblöcke involviert.


Im 1. Bachelor-Studienjahr vermitteln unsere Naturwissenschaftler sowohl die Grundlagen der Physik als auch der Chemie, Letzteres mit Unterstützung des Departements Chemie der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät. Zudem bieten wir eine praxisorientierte Einführung in Technik und Anwendung der radiologischen Verfahren.


Im 2. und 3. Bachelor-Studienjahr rückt die Radioanatomie in den Vordergrund und das Erlernte wird in den Themenblöcken, einem obligatorischen Anatomiemodul sowie im Arzt-Patienten-Unterricht vertieft.


Unser Ausbildungsmodell aus Konzeptvorlesungen und zugeordneten praxisorientierten differenzialdiagnostischen Bildinterpretationskursen steht auf dem Programm des 1. und 2. Master-Studienjahrs.


Vom 1. Bachelor- bis zum 3. Master-Studienjahr bieten wir sowohl praxisnahe allgemeinradiologische, als auch spezifisch neuroradiologische und interventionelle Berufsfelderkundungen und Wahlprojekte (mitunter für Studierende der Humanmedizin und des Bildungsgangs Medizinisch-technische Radiologie HF) an. Wahlprojekte finden auch mit unseren externen Dozierenden in deren Kliniken statt und erlauben so Einblicke in verschiedene radiologische Abteilungen.

> zur Übersicht unserer Veranstaltungen (longitudinales Curriculum Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin auf der Seite der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Basel)


Neben unseren Veranstaltungen für die Humanmedizin beteiligen wir uns am Curriculum Zahnmedizin – mit spezifisch angepassten Veranstaltungen zu Radiologie, Strahlenphysik und -schutz sowie zur Nuklearmedizin.

Radiology and nuclear medicine are at the interface between pathomorphology and the clinic. A systematic understanding of pathomorphological changes and the conclusions that can be drawn about underlying diseases are crucial for the correct interpretation of radiological and nuclear medicine examinations.

The concrete application of this knowledge takes place in courses that are integrated into the relevant subject blocks on an organ-specific basis. Here, representative cases are presented in the sense of 'problem-based learning', which are first interpreted independently in small groups and then systematically analyzed together.

Information on the teaching and learning methods can also be found on the website of the Faculty of Medicine.

Teaching materials

Recommendations for teaching materials

All documents relating to our courses are available to students online for in-depth self-study via the University of Basel's platforms (OLAT and Adam).

Our documents are protected by copyright. All rights are held by the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital Basel. Reproduction and further use of the illustrations and texts is only permitted with the consent of the authors.


We will introduce you to the fields of radiology and nuclear medicine by immersing you in our day-to-day work. You will take part in every step of the process, from determining the indication to weighing up the risks and benefits, planning, performing, evaluating and reporting examinations. Depending on the length of your stay with us, you will become familiar with the entire spectrum of our examination equipment as well as complex post-processing algorithms.

We are not always close to the patient (with the exception of nuclear medicine therapies and interventional and neuroradiological procedures), but we are close to the diagnosis and key clinical decisions. Thanks to our organ-specialized organization, we are able to obtain particularly comprehensive, relevant information and incorporate it into clinical discussions and decision-making in a targeted manner. Based on typical pathologies, you will get to know and appreciate the importance of modern diagnostics. The broad medical spectrum covered in our clinic is a great advantage and enables you to significantly expand your pathomorphological understanding of diseases.

You will be able to deepen your knowledge considerably by participating in and contributing to our further and advanced training courses. Depending on the length of your stay (at least 1 month, rotations after 2 weeks), you will rotate to abdominal and oncological diagnostics, cardiothoracic diagnostics, musculoskeletal diagnostics and neuroradiology, or, if you are specifically interested, to nuclear medicine or interventional radiology.

Learning objectives

The professional learning objectives include expanding your knowledge of the appropriate use of radiological methods and the qualified interpretation of examination results as well as the pathomorphological understanding of diseases:

  • Examination of the indication against the background of medical history, clinical questions and given (preliminary) findings
  • Weighing up the benefits and risks of each examination
  • Monitoring of examinations and quality assurance
  • Systematic analysis of pathological changes with differential diagnostic assessment in the clinical context
  • Case presentations at clinical reports, conferences
  • Participation in emergency care

By actively participating in the daily work of the various specialties and departments, you will gain an overview of the entire field of radiology and nuclear medicine (depending on the rotation).


Your tasks will include

  • familiarization with radiological and nuclear medicine methods (as well as technical procedures)
  • (under supervision) independent diagnosis of conventional chest and skeletal x-rays
  • (under supervision) Independent performance and diagnosis of sonographies
  • Participation in the diagnosis of cross-sectional imaging examinations (CT, MRI, if interested also SPECT/CT and PET/CT) with post-processing, image analysis and preparation of findings
  • Participation in clinical reports and conferences
  • Active participation and collaboration in our further education and training courses (e.g. case presentations in our internal lunchtime reports)

Requirements and availability

Students of our faculty in their elective year of study as well as students in their final year of study (for foreign students) are very welcome. You should have a detective-like interest in diagnostic imaging.

The following literature is to be acquired before the start of the sub-assistance:
M. Reiser, F.-P. Kuhn, J. Debus: Radiologie, Thieme, 20174 (esp. chapters "Rad. Procedures", "Nuclear Medicine", "Skeleton"). For further literature, see our teaching material recommendations.

Available places: 1-4/month

Duration and choice of work area

Program duration: 1-4 months with full workload, mandatory from the first day of the month. Depending on the length of stay, the following areas of work are possible:

  • Radiology: rotations are possible in abdominal and oncological diagnostics, cardiothoracic diagnostics, musculoskeletal diagnostics and neuroradiology (minimum duration: 1 month, rotation change after 2 weeks in each case).
  • Nuclear medicine (on request, minimum duration: 1 month)
  • Interventional radiology (on request)

We take preferences into account where possible, but cannot guarantee a desired assignment.

Application modalities

Please send your application with the following documents in digital form to Yasmine Wick

  • Letter of motivation
  • CV (preferably with photo)
  • Current proof of enrollment
  • Examination documents (certificates of previous academic achievements)
  • Copy of ID (for students from abroad)
  • Please specify in which specialty you would like to work: Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional Radiology).

You can submit your application at any time. Ms. Yasmine Wick (application procedure) and the Radiology and Nuclear Medicine secretariat will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Clinical traineeships and internships

The same conditions apply to clinical traineeships as to internships. However, they are unpaid.
There is also the possibility to get a taste of working with us for a shorter period (1-3 weeks) as part of an internship.

Please also contact Yasmine Wick and the Radiology and Nuclear Medicine secretariat .

The assessment of learning success in radiology and nuclear medicine is carried out in three stages:

  1. Examination of the acquired knowledge in the MC (Multiple Choice) examinations of the individual annual courses
  2. Examination of the acquired skills of correct image interpretation as part of the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
  3. Examination of the overall knowledge acquired in the federal examination (human medicine or dentistry)

Further information on the MC and OSCE examinations can be found on the Faculty of Medicine website. The Office of the Dean of Studies can also provide information.

Radiology examination as part of the federal examination (human medicine and dentistry)

The latest information on the federal examination in human medicine and dentistry can be found on the website of the Federal Office of Public Health.

The Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Training applies to the examination content for human medicine.

Exam preparation

The best way to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge is to consult the books listed in the study guides.

A CD with case studies can be borrowed for practical exam preparation in diagnostic radiology:

University Hospital Basel
Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Claudia Miescher (Office of Abdominal and Oncologic Radiology)
Petersgraben 4
CH-4031 Basel
Ms. C. Miescher │ +41 (0)61 265 43 44

The CD does not replace the study of a textbook. Although it contains many radiologically diagnosable diseases, it is not representative and in no way exhaustive. It is also not a textbook, as the cases are not annotated. The anamnesis, the clinic and the diagnosis are given, but the interpretation of the images must be worked out for yourself.

Our documents are protected by copyright. All rights are held by the Department of Medical Radiology at the University Hospital Basel. Reproduction and further use of the images and texts is only permitted with the consent of the department management.

Wir betreuen Studierende bei Masterarbeiten an der medizinischen und der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät. 

Interessenten finden Vorschläge über die Masterthesenbörse des Dekanats, können sich aber auch mit Themenvorschlägen direkt bei uns melden:
Dr. phil. Seline Schellenberg


You can also find more information:

  • on the page Working with us - as a doctor
  • in the article "Excellent further training", which appeared in our 2019 annual report. The article is based on an interview with our junior doctor Dr. Moritz Vogt.

Our further training concept is aimed at doctors who want to continue their training in an inspiring environment. The success of our program is based on


  • Dedicated junior doctors who want to get to know, understand and help shape the fascinating world of radiology
  • Renowned experts who pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm for radiology


  • Everyone is encouraged to get involved and develop our clinic further.
  • By participative leadership, we mean involving employees in the decisions that affect them.
  • Clear and transparent rules that make sense for everyone


  • Systematic rotation through all departments
  • Possibility of subspecialization


  • Consistent implementation of subspecialized organ-based radiology in accordance with the guidelines of the European Society of Radiology
  • Radiology is multifaceted, and soft skills such as leadership, management and economics are also important to us.


  • Our technical equipment meets the latest standards.
  • Our diagnostic rooms are organized according to organ departments so that we can easily exchange information and learn from each other.


  • The continuous improvement of our clinical processes is a matter of course for us.
  • Our research topics are relevant, up to date and clearly structured.


  • Our program is certified by the European Board of Radiology and has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence in the best category.
  • Our program is certified by the Swiss Institute for Continuing Education and Training.
  • We received the SIWF Award 2019: Former residents who were supervised as part of their further training in Basel had nominated our further training team for this award for special commitment and competence in continuing medical education.

Does our training concept appeal to you? Then we look forward to receiving your application with a letter of motivation, CV and certificates (preferably by e-mail in PDF format).


Prof. Jens Bremerich

Leitung kardiale und thorakale Diagnostik

Leitung Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung, Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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The aim of a clinical fellowship with us is to deepen further training in a sub-specialized discipline in order to expand specific diagnostic knowledge and to deepen practical knowledge of complex therapeutic procedures.

Responsibility and independence should be assumed within the framework of the:

  • active participation in the further training of radiology residents, including organizational responsibility within the department
  • effective interaction with the medical management, in particular in the final communication of radiological examination results
  • Implementation of reports

To successfully complete the fellowship, comprehensive expertise in the following areas is required: specific professional competence, effective communication, ability to work in a team, efficient self-organization, participation in teaching, basic understanding of professional policy, professional conduct.

We offer clinical specializations/fellowships in the following subspecialties:

  • abdominal and oncological diagnostics
  • mammography
  • Cardiac and thoracic diagnostics
  • musculoskeletal diagnostics
  • interventional radiology
  • Diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology


  • Completed or almost completed further training in radiology
  • Specialist diploma recognized in Switzerland
  • German language skills level C1

If you are interested and meet the requirements, we look forward to receiving your application with the following documents (as PDF):

  • Letter of motivation
  • curriculum vitae
  • certificates


Petra Clavette

Assistentin Chefarzt und Teamleiterin der Sekretariate sowie des Datenmanagements

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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You can find more information in our further training concept for specialists in nuclear medicine.

Does our training concept appeal to you? Then we look forward to receiving your application with a letter of motivation, CV and certificates (preferably by e-mail in PDF format).


Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med Damian Wild

Leitung Nuklearmedizin

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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We train radiology specialists as part of their practical training. This enables them to obtain a diploma as a radiology specialist HF.

The federally recognized training course is carried out at the higher technical college (HF) level. We offer this course together with the Basel-Stadt Health Education Center (BZG). We work closely with the BZG and maintain a regular exchange of information. Further information, especially on the theoretical part of the course, can be found on the BZG website.

You can find more information about practical training as a radiology specialist at the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine via the navigation bar, and the following video of our students will give you an initial impression.

Training to become a radiology specialist takes three years.

It is divided into theoretical sequences at the Basel-Stadt Health Education Center (BZG) in Münchenstein and practical sequences at the training location, for example the University Hospital Basel:

After successfully completing the course, students receive the federally recognized diploma as a radiology specialist HF.

Content of the practical training

The practical training sequences take place in all specialist areas of radiology (diagnostic radiology, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine). We use the following procedures and forms of therapy at the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine:

  • conventional X-ray diagnostics
  • fluoroscopy
  • mammography
  • computer tomography
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • angiography
  • Scintigraphy (static, dynamic, perfusion and receptor scintigraphy)
  • Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT)
  • Single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT)
  • Endocrine diagnostics
  • osteodensitometry
  • Radionuclide therapy (tumor, joint and pain therapy)
  • Production of radiopharmaceuticals (radiological chemistry)

For examination procedures and forms of therapy in radiation oncology and radiology in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, see the following websites:

Part of our training concept is that the students complete an external internship planned by us and thus expand their training spectrum.

Training salary

The financial remuneration of around CHF 50,000 starts on the first day of training and is broken down as follows:

  • CHF 1100 per month in the first year of training
  • CHF 1,300 per month in the second year of training
  • CHF 1,500 per month in the third year of training

Possibility of a specialized baccalaureate

During the course of training to become a qualified radiology specialist HF, graduates of the Fachmaturitätsschule (FMS) have the option of submitting their specialist baccalaureate thesis in the field of health and thus obtaining the specialist baccalaureate.

Persons with the following previous education are admitted to the training course for qualified radiology specialists HF:

  • Completion of FMS (technical baccalaureate school) with or without a technical baccalaureate
  • High school diploma
  • Graduation from a commercial secondary school
  • Graduation from the Rudolf Steiner School with IMS-F certificate
  • Federal certificate of proficiency (e.g. healthcare assistant - FAGE) with or without vocational baccalaureate

Applicants should also meet the following requirements:

  • Interest and sound knowledge in scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry and biology
  • Technical understanding
  • initiative, organizational and improvisational skills
  • Good powers of observation
  • Accurate and careful work
  • communication skills
  • ability to work in a team
  • Empathy and patience
  • Reliability and a sense of responsibility

Our students have access to an excellent infrastructure as part of their training to become qualified radiology specialists. As the largest training center for radiology specialists in Northwestern Switzerland, the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine - together with the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology - has excellent imaging and therapeutic equipment as well as extensive experience in the training and education of its specialist staff.

Training starts twice a year, in the spring and fall semesters; we offer six students a training place each time.

Further information: The Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Basel-Stadt (BZG) organizes monthly information events on the training course. The current dates can be found on the BZG website or on request

BZG Health Education Center Basel-Stadt
Binningerstrasse 2
CH-4142 Münchenstein
Phone +41 (0)61 417 77 77 | Fax +41 (0)61 417 77 78 |

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us personally:


You can apply electronically for one of our training places via the application platform Select the University Hospital Basel and upload your documents. If they meet the requirements, we will be happy to invite you to an interview, where we will get a personal impression of you - and you of us. You will also have the opportunity to clarify any open questions directly.

Aptitude internship

The internship lasts three days. As a rule, we will inform you of the result in writing within 14 days. If you pass the internship, we will forward your dossier to the training provider for review.

Admission to training

The admissions committee examines all the documents and decides on admission to training at the BZG. In some cases - depending on the level of training - the admissions committee requires the BZG's Refresher Course in Natural Sciences (one week before the start of training in September).

Once the admission committee has made a positive decision, we - as the practice institution - can conclude the contract with you. Please do not hesitate to contact our Vocational Training Officer, Georgia Kolakovic, to clarify any questions you may have.

With us you can complete the practical part of the training required for the diploma as a biomedical analyst HF (BMA). We offer this together with the Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Basel-Stadt (BZG). We work closely with the BZG and maintain a regular exchange of information. Further information, especially on the theoretical part of the training, can be found on the BZG website.

We have been training students to become BMAs for around 25 years. Every year, we supervise a student during her six-month internship. During this time, she gets to know a large part of our routine work and writes a thesis documenting her training with us.

We would be happy to inform you personally:


Daniela Biondo Carluccio

Ausbildungsverantwortliche der BMAs

Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin

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Lecturers in radiology and former students of human medicine at the University of Basel have developed the electronic learning platform RapMed, which can be used to teach radiology and nuclear medicine content on a case-based basis.

RapMed allows lecturers to quickly and easily upload medical cases and students to work out solutions together, expand and test their knowledge, and learn both alone and in groups, in discourse.

The case-based solutions are worked out together. First, the users mark the pathologies. A heat map then shows the selected solutions that stand out most clearly according to their frequency. This graphic labeling is supplemented by a comment function. Through use, the interpretations become more and more accurate - and the platform better and better.

We hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback. This is very important, as RapMed is designed to be further developed with the help of feedback from students and lecturers.

Maurice Henkel, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel

RapRad aims to enable students of human medicine and assistant doctors to practice the interpretation of medical images so that they can recognize not only the clinical pictures they encounter in everyday clinical practice, but all important pathologies.

The platform, which was awarded the 2018 Lecturer Prize of the University of Basel's Faculty of Medicine, is structured like a computer game - the interpretation of radiological images is taught in a playful way through fast, case-based learning and direct feedback.

RapRad was developed by the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in collaboration with the Business Informatics department at the FHNW (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland).

We wish you lots of fun and look forward to your feedback(

Tobias Heye, Philipp Brantner and David Winkel
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel