Human Resources Directorate
The Human Resources Directorate creates the right conditions to ensure that the University Hospital Basel always has the human capital it needs to achieve its strategic and operational goals. It makes a significant contribution to the success of the University Hospital Basel and offers solutions to support cultural development as a management task as well as to shape the working environment and optimize teamwork. It also helps to ensure the necessary quality of leadership and optimal development of employee potential and ensures efficient, customer-oriented and high-quality service provision.
Our team
Management team
HR Consulting & Recruitment
Ruth Abels
HR Business Partner
Departement Kreislauf, Thorax, Transplantation & Brust, Bauch & Becken
Tel. +41 61 265 21 35
Tanja Perrot Hiltmann
HR Business Partner
Departement PSE, D&ICT, Betrieb, Immobilien, Direktion Finanzen, DKF
Tel. +41 61 265 30 58
Contact us
Support HR Consulting
Phone +41 61 265 32 90
HR Recruitment Nursing
Tel. +41 61 265 33 33
Employer marketing
- Strategic positioning and communication of the University Hospital Basel as the most attractive employer in the regional healthcare market (employer branding)
- Internal and external personnel marketing
- Employer offers
- Accommodation / childcare
Personnel & leadership development
- Training and further education
- Personnel and leadership development
- Coaching, consulting & supervision
Contact address
University Hospital Basel
Department of Human Resources & Leadership Development
Klingelbergstrasse 23
4031 Basel
Matthieu Funtsch
Personal- & Führungsentwicklung
Tel. +41 61 265 33 99
Andrea Kleinhuber
Leiterin Führungsentwicklung
Personal- & Führungsentwicklung
Tel. +41 61 265 22 65
Thomas Reinhardt
Beratung, Coaching, Supervision
Personal- & Führungsentwicklung
Tel. +41 61 265 32 32
Eva Rozan-Straub
Mitarbeiterin Führungsentwicklung
Personal- & Führungsentwicklung
Tel. +41 61 265 23 43
Training & further education
- Basic training (apprenticeship, HF, FH)
- Postgraduate courses
Contact address
University Hospital Basel
Department of Education & Training
Klingelbergstrasse 23
4031 Basel
Steven Böni
Berufsbildungsverantwortlicher kaufmännische und gewerbliche Grundbildungen
Aus- & Weiterbildung
Tel. +41 61 265 27 11
Joelle Dreier
Berufsbildungsverantwortliche Pflegeberufe EFZ/EBA
Aus- & Weiterbildung
Tel. +41 61 265 20 63
Stefanie Dubacher
Berufsbildungsverantwortliche Überwachungspflege
Aus- & Weiterbildung
Tel. +41 61 328 75 11
Marie-Noëlle von Allmen
Berufsbildungsverantwortliche NDS
Aus- & Weiterbildung
Tel. +41 61 556 54 29
HR Services & Systems
Gabriela Furger
HR Controlling, Arbeitszeit- und Organisationsmanagement
Tel. +41 61 265 27 10
Karin Huber
Personaladministration und stv. Leiterin HR Services & Systeme
Tel. +41 61 265 21 06
HR Helpline
Phone +41 61 265 30 10
Mon - Thu: 08:00h - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00h
Fri: 08:00h - 12:00 & 13:00 - 16:00h
Company health management
- New working time models
- Occupational health and safety measures
- Offers to promote health
Contact us
Human Resources Management Secretariat
Anuschka Wirz
Hebelstrasse 36
4031 Basel